Prove yourselves ready - Nov KM
by dmouse 15 Replies latest jw friends
Greetings dmouse! Hey I have a question for you. If we chopped them like that do you think it would still cause the complications?
District Overbeer
"the great tribulation can occur at any time"
They've been really pounding this "keep on the watch" shit lately. The year 2004 should be interesting, and NO I don't mean that the great tribulation is coming next year!! Something's a brewin' me thinx.
Since the outbreak of the great tribulation can occur at anytime, it is imperative that we heed Jesus? admonition, ?Prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of Man is coming?.
If the WTS says that the great tribulation can occur at any time, but Jesus said it will be when we "do not think to be it" doesn't that like cancel out any chance of it ever happening?
hahahahaha! Can anyone say "recycled?" How many times have I read incarnations of that exact same article.
They get a "G" for repetition.
Excessive computer use? What's that?
Isn't the Kingdom Ministry the most ennui enducing piece of excrement you've ever run across? It's rehashed pressure sales pitches coupled with heavy-handedness. I don't know what it is more, dispicable or boring. Probably both.
johnny cip
the wt was teaching that the great tribulation started in 1914 . and that generation. in less then 10 years they expect the bro's to forget all about it and mow say it can come any time now.. what a bunch of lairs..john
Good grief, I'm reading the KM and wondering how I ever believed that crap. It is so obviously controlling. How could it happen? I feel stupid for ever falling for the lines like How will you stand before the son of man? When that had nothing to do with the WTS line of cult control.
I'm not passed the anger, sorrow and pain, maybe I never will be, I mean would it be possible to amputate the WTS?
If I hear the words, "take full advantage" again in my life -- and I don't care if it's an old lady who says it to me -- so help me God I'm going to give them a shiner.