I agree with an earlier post in that if there is a revovlving door, it is with the younger generation. In the hall I grew up in, you would be very suprised at how many are still there. There will some members that will be in that hall for 50 years. How sad, what a waste.
The Revolving Door; Does Nobody Notice?
by shamus 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought your post referred to the revolving door, does anybody notice what goes on HERE?
Lady Lee
But Min a revolving door here is perfectly okay and healthy I think. People don't sign on here for life. There is no expectation for people to stay. People are free to come and go. Just as it should be
Oxnard Hamster
I thought your post referred to the revolving door, does anybody notice what goes on HERE?
That's not uncommon on any message board. People get busy in real life, or move on to other interests.
It's not like posting at some message board is comparable to religious devotion.
In certain parts of the country, people are fooled into thinking that the Witnesses are growing in strength, just because more and more people move into an area and more congregations are created they speak of it as more and more people coming into the Trooth. It, however, is only more and more witnesses moving to a particualar area and thereby increasing the overall count of witnesses i.e. newbies (but only to that particular local).
There hasn't been any real growth here in a long time. The only people getting married are young ones pressured into it. It's comical to say the least.
It just shocks me that people are only in it for a time, recruit a few, then drop out. Thank god I never got anyone in the troof, but jeez... get a few in, die out, they get a few in, they die out, it's like endless vomit.
Nobody is going to make it except for the ppl who are lucky enough to get duped into it at the time of "armageddon"? Sorry, god isn't stupid.
A 15 min rule? you're kidding ... If this is a trend then maybe field service will phase out and "witnessing" will be strictly giving away literature. Then again anyone can say "I must've witnessed for 15 min this month" ...and then write that down. Wow
I also agree about the different groups who only pay attention to their own kind. The GOOD witnesses and then the sometimes/sometimes not group. I remember dubs who would disappear for awhile, but return. Now that I think about it I do remember more and more "young ones" leaving, fading or DF'd. I remember a few df'd just a few months after baptism. BUT I also saw a few in college, maybe 19 or 20 yrs old. And they were very vocal about being jws, and one who knew me and that I'd da'd really gave me the cold shoulder and took off if she saw me coming up to her.
So, revolving door.. not really.
There is a small number of Hard Core JWs who all hang around with each other... then there are the rest of the people who come and then disappear on a regular bases. The ones who come and disappear are not really noticed by the hard core jws who are too busy looking at each other admiring just how good of jw's they are. ...
It's like a social club, you only miss the ones who are there all the time.
The area where I grew up was like that. Only two congregations in a whole region of the state in the 60s. In these two congegations 80% of everyone was related somehow or another. 35-40 years later and now there are dozens of congregations and thousands of JWs but those original ones(that haven't died) are still around. Their kids have grown and had kids of their own. Some of the kids and grandkids have remained loyal but the majority have not. But you can go into those two original halls and see the oldtimers still waiting for the end to come any day now, just like they did in the 60s.
I have mixed feelings on how these people have spent their lives. One way it's sad. Waiting your life for an event that isn't coming. I hate to see my parents get old and watch them as they think they won't die. But at the same time, in spite of raising their kids in a wacky religion, they were good parents. They were good, decent, law-abiding people. Just mis-lead. They could have been worse. Maybe a belief in a religion, any religion, is what they needed to make themselves be good people. I know that I don't need it anymore and I hope they can accept that before they die.
The cong I grew up in is close to the same as it always was. One guy gets dfd and reinstated all the time for smoking. A few families moved away but they are still 'in'. The revolving of babies being born and by the time they get to their teen years every couple years a group gets into trouble and reproved but for the most part they come back. That hall has barely changed at all in all the yrs.