That's the question my wife asked me this morning. "What would happen if we just walked into the Kingdom Hall this morning? Would everyone come up to us? Would the elders be waiting to talk to us?"......What do YOU think would happen if you just decided to walk in the Hall today???
What Would Happen If You Just Walked Into A Kingdom Hall This Sunday?
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
If downunder is any indication, guards are placed at the doors to prevent "the apostates" entering.
Guess you'd have to show your Blood Card I.D. Mini!!
CC Ryder
I've been in the KH only once since 1999, that was for Tink's mothers funeral. If you ever wondered what the invisible man feels like than go back to the KH for a meeting!
It depends on which KH I go to... If I go to one where they know me, I will be accosted by the elders with warnings to not talk to the good little sheep.
If I go to any other KH I will be love-bombed in an attempt to get me to join them.
I'm not looking forward to going to a KH because of a friend's passing away.
Depends on which one, if anyone already knew us there.
We have toyed with the idea of going outside the circuit and acting like interested people and see how we are treated. We would do that when we traveled, go to the meeting and see who and how many people greeted us and what they said before we identified ourselves as JWs. One we visited 4 times on 4 trips and no one talked to us until the 5th time (after 3 years).
Where we are known, some people would come say hi wanting to get all the juicy gossip. A very few would be glad to see us and come up and give us a hug. Too many would stand off wanting to punish us for not being good Christians and attending ALL 5 meetings. Some would come up and shake our hand while they have been figuratively knifing us in the back.
I sure would want to share of my comments at the WT study!
"We don't have to go through any man or group of men to pray to God. While Jesus gave his disciples the model prayer, he didn't mean those were the only things that people could pray for and that a prayer couldn't be longer; he didn't give a lot of detailed instructions."
I would probably puke and pass out.
Questions from Readers - "Would it be appropriate(tm) for True Christians(tm) to call for medical help when a known apostate(tm) pukes and passes out at a meeting?
Lady Lee
Last time I walked into a hall I was ignored. No one knows me here in this city.
at least I sat where I wanted instead of at the back
I get the feeling that anyone who walked into a "Public Meeting" would be treated with suspicion unless they were introduced by a member in good standing. Who knows who that stranger is--after all you could be welcoming an apostate or an opposer! Is that right?
I'd be looked at with agonized confusion, the expressions of "how could you betray us?"
They'd be desperate to talk to me, but held back by feelings of confused loyalty to the Borg.