You Know:
I am impressed by your post to me on Conditional/Unconditional love... You actually made me think a great deal about the whole topic..
I have but one question.. You admit that you are a fallable human being, being led by fallable human beings themselves..
However, it is inconceivable to you that you are possbily wrong about your organization being god's channel. I.E. You claim infallablility on that count.. So, you've elevated yourself to rightousness in this stance.
And, as a rightous human being (infallable in this arena) you are passing judgement on others that is reserved for Christ and God.. For only they can judge.. Yet, you, because of your being led by a fallable organization are able to claim infallability in this area and state:
A.) The "world" is your enemy
B.) We'll show conditional love to "them" to lead them to see our "truth"
C.) After a period of time, we'll judge them as unworthy of our love, and withdraw it if they have not taken root in our "truth" the way we see it, and accept the entire package, lock stock and barrel, including ignoring the errors, the false prophecies, and man made rules..
You try to imitate Jesus Christ, yet you say only Jesus and Jehovah can judge as only they are infallable, we as humans are not..
How is that an imitation of Jesus.. Doesn't the very fact that you are attempting to claim rightousness in the area of spirituality diminish Jesus and what he did for us? More to the point, aren't you attempting to at best claim to be equal to Jesus, at worst claim to replace him altogether?
And that's why I claim that I love people unconditionally.. Yes, I'm quite fallable.. I don't love everybody unconditionally, as I believe I should (for putting a condition on love is judging someone as unworthy of love, something only Jesus and/or God can do, not me, for I don't claim infallability)..
I also know that because I have a personal relationship with Jesus and God, I don't have to worry about a 'bad association' ruining my relationship with them.. It would be the same as saying, "I have a friend who dislikes my father, so I cannot be with that friend, because he will turn me against my father.." If I love my father whole heartidly, my friend cannot do that, no matter what he does or says...
In fact, the more my friend would try to pull us apart, the closer my father's and my relationship would become..
You, and your organization on the other hand, shun anyone who doesn't believe as you do, or even dare disagrees with anything the GB says, even if it is wrong. Is that because you are "spiritually meek" or "spiritually weak"? A spiritually meek person would welcome a conversation to either re-affirm or re-adjust one's thinking to try and get closer to god. A spiritually weak person would be afraid of such a conversation because they are too set in their ways to even entertain the idea they are wrong.. (I.E. Claim infallability on the subject, and close the mind.. Not very humble at all if you ask me)
I feel I am spiritually meek, and as such I'm always open to new ideas, and welcome hearing different views and opionions.. I don't claim that I am right, nor do I claim that I have the truth.. Therefor, I don't take judging people into my own hands... (Yeah, I fall short many times, and do judge.. But I shouldn't, and I don't make it a directive of mine).. On the other hand, your organization does make it a directive to judge in the name of rightousness, a rightousness that only Christ himself can claim.. )
As it does state in the bible that everyone will have to account personally at the time of judgement, what are you going to say to Christ when your time comes?.. I tried to imitate you as best I could, although as you know I am fallable, but I became infallable in the area of my spirituality, and was able to judge people in rightousness as you did.
I wonder what Christ will reply to you when you say this to him...
Oh, and for the record, that doesn't sound very humble to me...
I view conditional love as a human fallability, a falling short, as you said yourself, Jehovah shows even his enemies love and underserved kindness. First off, where is the master list that show's who is Jehovah's enemies.. We do not know who his enemies really are unless you had a direct connection to him.. Well, the very fact that 'gods channel' has made mistakes invalidates the claim that you are in good communication with Jehovah, for he doesn't make mistakes, nor does he mislead anyone... Truth is always truth with him... It never changes, it never 'waffles' back and forth, and it certainly doesn't mislead his own chosen people.
So, how do you know who his enemies are, unless you claim an infallability that you cannot possibly posess, for then you are claiming you and all the rest of the 6 Million+ Jehovah's witness' on earth are little re-incarnations of perfect human beings.. Of course, that can't be it, because all of you admit that you make mistakes..
So, all I do is understand that I do not have the right to judge others (Yeah, I do at times, because I fall short, as I am fallable), and try to show unconditional love and friendship to all that I can.. No strings attached, other than to help them on their way to grow and become happy in their life.. For, I have no idea if they are more acceptable to God than I am.. And whoa be the person who turns his back on an 'angel' of the lord... Yet, if I allow an enemy of the lord into my house, I'm willing to bet that Christ will view that as undeserved kindness, and maybe even a chance for him to 'preach' to his enemy through me in an effort to bring the lost sheep back into his fold...
Either way, I don't see how conditional love can in any way be godlike, except for god himself...
I could be wrong, and if I am, please show me the error's of my way, and I'll re-adjust my thinking accordingly... But, the fact of the matter is I could be right also...
If you want to live as JW, and believe you are infallable in the area of spirituality, that is fine.. I'm just pointing out why I believe at the moment that I should not. I'm also stating that I could certainly be your friend, and love you as a human being no matter what your choice is in life. Of course, as a JW, you cannot show me the same...
I not only understand that, but I accept it, and will continue to show love and friendship to you, and any other JW not because I believe I am better than you are (again, who am I to judge, you may be right, and I just don't see it), but because I am being true to me and my heart. The only man-made doctrines I follow are my own... I think that will count for much on my judgement day.. You must follow your heart, and your convictions.. My only real comment to you is, I certainly don't want to appear in front of Christ and tell him that I was infallable in any aspect of my life, because I want his undeserved kindness, and I'm afraid that claiming something that was reserved only for him will anger him greatly!!!