I was once in a congregation with 150 publishers. It was huge. We didn't split, though, which I was naive enough then to wonder about. The GB must have known that something was going to happen, because within two years almost ALL the young people had been DFed.Hm... maybe changing the religion would solve the problem? Maybe if we quit excluding people, quit predicting the end of the world, and focused on the real message of the Kingdom, which is Love God and Your Neighbor - maybe include charitable works under "Service Time" and arrange for people to work helping the poor, the sick, the orphaned? The organization has so many good people who could do so much good if someone would just show them how!
Now there you go making sense again. Now stop that before something good becomes of it. Seriously, if they did include chairitable works under "Service Time" and arrange for people to work helping the poor, the sick and the orphaned, they would almost be normal, wouldn't they? Nope, they will never stoop to doing real works, that might do some real good for their fellow man. They just can't have anything to do with that, that would be helping out those who are part of Satan's world. Stay away from the Worldly People they have Kooties!