.....in life? Do you still have hope? Are you truly much happier? Is anything missing???
Since You've Stopped Going To Meetings, What's Your General Outlook?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
Let me think about that one for a second...
I'm optimistic, full of plans for life, I enjoy being alive much more, I don't feel pressured, and I tend to stand up for myself a lot more. I don't take any crap off anyone, and I follow my own advice, and I shout a lot more. My CD collection is more varied and better, my movies are more varied and better, and my alcohol consumption is better.
Best of all, not every conversation revolves around why I don't celebrate holidays, cause I do. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Do you still have hope?
No. Not because I miss being there...or think Im going to miss out on the orgs fantasy blessings...but any hope I did have is gone.
At first I was happy ...when I left...now i just feel like S#%t.
I generally look at life as something to be enjoyed while I have it. I know longer have hopes of living forever, but I do have hopes and desires for the time I have now. I'm not sure I'm much happier. Probably about the same, content with what I have. I get all the necessities plus more. There's some things that could be improved in my life, but the Watchtower never actually filled those voids and I'm now in a better position to work on those things.
I'm so much happier now! I remember actually dreading having a JW wife, and watching my kids go through the same crap I went through.
As for hope - all I hope is that when I'm on my deathbed, I'll look back on my life and smile, because I led a fulfilling life. The thing is, I can make choices that WILL give me a fulfilling life. Being told how to live is not fulfillling.
After 48 years of attending meetings, and 1 year of not attending, I miss nothing. It was so boring, mind numbing and faith destroying. I like doing my WT reviews and I have had so many insightful comments posted. I am enjoying reading the Message Bible. I love sleeping in or getting up to see what has happened on JWD if I want to. My hubbie and I read the Sunday paper; I clip coupons while he makes breakfast, waffles, juice, bacon, fresh ground/brewed coffee.
The only complaint is that sometimes I can't remember what day of the week it is because of anchoring it to my meeting schedule. But I am finding new "anchors."
I miss no person and I guess the feeling is mutual.
Once I finally decided to stop attending meetings, a sense of calm came over me. I didn't encounter disaster just because I wasn't in a certain building at 10 in the morning on Sundays, and on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
I immediately enjoyed the difference, not being on the theocratic treadmill like some pet gerbil.
The only thing that's missing is a sense of smug superiority around others and a false hope in a new world order populated by only this small group of "Christians". It's okay not being "absolutely sure" of what the future holds. Life is what you make it. After death, the one or ones who made us will surely let us know what comes next. If something important comes after, we'll all learn it when we need to know.
I am happier. I know that the impact of a change in my relationship with family and a few friends will put a small cloud on it, but overall I am so much happier not being so restrained or feeling like I never doing enough. The stress of always knowing no matter what you were doing, you could improve, I do not miss at all. I don't miss feeling guilty about not enough hours in service, not getting to enough meetings.. Did I have a drink too many? or my dating a non JW and how 'wrong' it is. Well I love him and am so glad to have him in my life.
My outlook though is questionable. I used to have this all figured out, what the future held. Now I have no idea. It is a little scary.
Country Girl
Enjoyed getting the monkey off my back, finally. A sense of relief. Kind of like when my first husband moved out.
Im just like a normal person now. Where there's life there's hope! I don't know what's in store for me, but I am at least confident that I can get through it on my own wheels, and not riding on the bus of condemnation and shame. It's so much more comfortable and easy that way.
CG -
Am I happier? Yes I am.....What is in the future? Not sure yet....I have to really wonder sometimes....I think with all the trials I have,I get a little fusterated.....I am thinking when my children are past this teenager stage, Life will be better.....Thats my only beef...If I was in the Troof, I really dont think there would be any difference with the way my kids are experiencing life.....The meetings would have made it worse I think......