An Elder Visited Me Today At Work

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Yeah, my parents stopped giving me the "Everyone misses you" line after I kept responding to it: "Well why don't they just give me a call or drop by?"

    <---- The look on my mothers face.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I think you handled it very wisely, Minimus.

    But I do wish you good luck. It is not over yet......


  • core

    Discretion is the better part of valour - well done Minimus - do not get dragged into controversy with them - it serves no purpose - wont change them and will only lead to potential trouble for you & yours - I also get odd looks from current JWs who think that ii have been "stumbled" and will come to my senses and return- have the last laugh we HAVE come to our senses and I for one aint going back

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I got the impression that they think I'm discouraged over something.

    You know, that's always the feeling I've gotten when you've described certain JWs who have interacted with you. Actually I think they might think that since there is nothing obvious, so they'll chalk it down to "discouragement" or materialism, lack of prayer/study, etc. Anything but the reality of what is happening in the organization.

    I think you handled it about as well as you could. I don't need to tell you to be discreet in your talks with elders, but it sounds as if you are on the right track. They won't come after you unless you give them a reason.

    I do agree with Gumby, it sounds like he might want to unburden to you one day. His emotion might indicate a sadness at your departure, seeing as you were someone he looked up to, but also a realization about his own possible doubts. He might be someone you want to talk to yourself in a couple of years after you are firmly faded.

  • rocketman
    That's because I was very nice and a cool guy

    Plus, you're a red candy. Everybody likes candy.

  • rocketman

    Mini, I'm not sure what you meant specifically aout others "trying to get to him", though I have a feeling. Are you in a postion to offer a bit more detail on that?

    Or, obviously, maybe that's how he put it and that's all he said. But, if you can elucidate a bit, please do.

  • minimus

    A certain elder has "gone after him", and he worked for this elder who gave him a royal financial screwing. Nothing in writing, allegations, anger, hurt feelings, deep resentment on both parts. ANYTIME this elder can find fault with this guy or his family, he makes a federal case over anything possible.

  • minimus

    I just got a visit from my elder friend who said that I should expect the PO to call me soon with pressure from the CO and body of elders to talk to me.....I expect things to start happening now. I did tell him for his own info that the PO will be very disappointed because I'm going to tell him that I'm NOT going to talk to him about anything.....(to be continued)....

  • Maverick

    I have been following this so please keep us informed! I wish you peace, Maverick

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Good luck, Minimus. Sounds like the "hunt" is on! Just say strong and say NOTHING.


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