I've heard stories of people finding a way to get their publisher card back... is it possible? If so, how can I get mine back? I want to know what those pricks have written in there.
How can I get my JW publisher card back from those $%* JERKS!
by NaruNaruChan 24 Replies latest jw experiences
You can have it destroyed -- but it is their property -- unless you are in Europe where the Data Protection Act and Privacy laws means you have a right to see it anytime and know what is recorded on it
There's nothing interesting on that card (for legal reasons). What you want to get is what's in the file cabinet if you were ever reproved or had judicial action taken against you....You can't get that either.
In regards to those jusicial files....where do they keep them anyway....where is the cabinet? At the hall or the home of the PO?
Judicial files are supposed to be locked up in the Kingdom Hall, not somebody's house.
The library is often chosen to put in a filing cabinet containing such records.
Publisher record cards are often kept in a small index card box, in many halls. The box may
often be left out unlocked-up just before a Circuit Overseers' visit, for his inspection, along with
other such records.
When I was secreatary I kept all the records at my house! not at the hall
You can write them and ask to have the records destroyed. Ask them for a letter confiming that they did in fact destroy all records on you. If they refuse to give you confirmation refer them to the FLOCK book and ask again until they do it.
I know someone who was able to get theirs. They told the congregation they were moving to "xxxxx" congregation. The secretary was the cousin of the husband, also beginning to question. When the cards arrived at the new congregation, he handed them over. Obviously they never attended that cong. They successfully disappeared.
I don't care what a bunch of old farts have in a file that will never be opened. I won't be requesting reinstatement so it will stay sealed. Besides, if it got opened, the person who read it would go, "Whaaaat did they df her for?????????"
It was so stupid. I was so surprised. But maybe they were right, after all, I just hang out with a bunch of apostate people now. -
I recall the elders carrying those honkin' big book bags every where they went. Someone told me once that they carried all the records around with them personally, for security reasons. They were scared that one day the police would come to the hall and confiscate all the records. They felt it was safer for the elders to be "personally" responsible for the records, by carrying them around everywhere they went. These book bags were kept at the homes of elders. All publisher files were kept at the home of the elder responsible. There were no files kept at any congregations ...because they never knew when persecution would break out.
Seriously ...