Did anyone catch this one hour discussion the other night on prime time TV?(channel 7, here.)
I only got to see the last half hour, and I sure hope they show it again soon. Apparently, there are in existence, some accurately reported historical documents (suppressed by church leaders) which proves that Mary held a very high position in her day, and even with Jesus. Word is that Jesus married her (Mary Magdeline--the prostitute!!!) and they had children. And, so much, much more!! Mention was even made that the bible should be re-written, and not just re-copied; it should have ALL the books and manuscripts in it that relate to that time period, Jews, Christians, Jesus, etc. And it should give Mary her rightful place, among the other associates of Jesus.This goes along with a book I read last year about the Holy Grail and the Bloodline of Jesus.
Did anyone see the entire program? What did you think about it? Maybe religion as we know it, is about ready to slip by the wayside....