How has direction from the FDS caused harm?

by fearnotruth22 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fearnotruth22
  • sens

    I cant see anything

  • shamus

    Please don't call them the faithful and discreet slave... they're about as faithful as Jehovahs Witnesses predictions, and about as discreet as a drunk at a ball.

  • sens
    Please don't call them the faithful and discreet slave...

    even the words make me feel ill

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    They steal time, energy, and money in the name of God. When one prediction fails, new light shows up just in time it keep it all going. No apologies for mistakes. It is no wonder that the witnesses are so hard headed, they have good teachers(FDS).

  • JT

    THEY constantly create FOG in the lives of --for the most part --good honest hearted folks who want to live by the bible-

    this fog can be defined as

    F- FEAR


    G- GUILT

    these are the 3 most powerful influences that the FDS beats a jw with- we all know because we all were in the fog at one time-

  • blondie

    JT, very good. I forgot that acronym. I'm going to save in a safe place

    F ear

    O bligation

    G uilt


  • JT

    the first time i ran across that term was in the book EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL

    WHERE susan forward explains how the most trusted folks in our lives, be it husband wife child religion etc will often time use HOT BUTONs TO GET us to do things and then when we don't they blackmail us for their love attention or life in gods new order to get us to conform

    my wife and i give this book out at christmas to women in particualar who oftentimes find themseleves in abusive relationship and often times esp in the black community due to the lack of good quality men many women feel a half of a man is better than no man, so they end up with losers who use emotional blackmail on them and we personally have seen the damage

    at any rate the points that she brings out can APPLY TO ANY SITUTUATION, where one is being emotionally blackmailed by someone or something that is suppose to care and love you

    i recommend it to any jw for good emotional reading, especially as one often times deals with family STILL IN who can blackmail one into going to the hall and if not they will withold thier love for them

    so it is an excellent paperback only about 100pages, you could leave it in the "JOHN" and read it in 4 days- smile

    take a look at the review comments on Amazon- thanks blondie for the thougthful words


  • blondie

    I have her books, JT. I got get them out and re-read them again.


  • JT

    see we think alike-- smile

    Yes you are "Good People"

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