If you could meet anyone in History past......who?

by ScoobySnax 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Edgar Allen Poe

    Jim Morrison

    Mary Magdalene (was she really in love with Jesus?)

    Lazarus (did he see a bright light at the end of a long tunnel?)

  • CountryGuy

    1. Walt Disney

    2. Charles Schultz

    3. Mr. Rogers

    What can I say, i'm a big kid!

  • shamus

    For sure Jim Morrison.

    Also, Einstein.

  • Simon

    Joan of Arc

    She must have been charismatic or something to convince the King of France that she should be put in charge of the entire French army ... at 15 !

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    How about the entire history characters in one shot? Line them up and shake their hands one by one, like at the wedding!

    Jesus of course.

    Will Rogers "I never met a man I didn't like.'

    The rest would be a flip of the coin.

    Guest 77

  • gaiagirl

    For me, the list would be:

    Constantine-I'd like to discourage him from making Christianity the official religion of the Empire. This ended up being a huge step backwards in terms of quality of life for almost everyone, and led directly into the Dark Ages. I understand some of Constantines reasons for this decision, but I think it was simply an expedient thing to do. There surely were other options which would not have had such negative consequences.

    For example, Earth had been known to be spherical and to orbit the Sun for at least 600 years. After Christianity became the only accepted belief system, libraries throughout the Empire began to be systematically burned, and the official teaching became the 'scriptural' teaching that Earth was quadrangular (scripture refers to angels standing at the four corners of the Earth, and to a mountain so high that ALL kingdoms can be observed). One Christian, using the name 'Cosmas', wrote a book which was the only accepted view for more than 1000 years. To disagree with this, or any other teaching became punishable by death.

    Disease became much more widespread because bathing came to be viewed as sinful, some church fathers writing that a Christian should be ashamed of their own naked bodies (a view which is surprisingly common even today).

    Education came under suspicion, and many academies were closed, because a good Christian only needed to know what was told to them by their priest. (Does this sound like a WTBS teaching?).


  • Yerusalyim

    Jesus and Friends


    Julius Ceasar

  • expatbrit

    I'd also like to meet Jesus, but armed with a video cam to blow the whole scam.

    As far as worthwhile people go, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Isaac Newton.


  • alirobbi

    1. Eleanor Roosevelt

    2. Jesus

    3. My Mother. Because I never told her thank you for loving and accepting me just the way I am.

  • joannadandy

    John Keats...then his poems would have been about me instead of stupid Fanny, and I certainly wouldn't have jilted him on his deathbed!

    James Dean

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Shakespeare and Marlowe

    Milton so I could kick him square in the nads for being such a jerk


    Oscar Wilde

    William Blake

    George Orwell

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