Nikola Tesla. I think that we have/had a lot in common.
If you could meet anyone in History past......who?
by ScoobySnax 51 Replies latest jw friends
You just beat me to it Jim but I'll say it too.
Davy Crocket......Very honest man willing to fight and die in the Alamo even though he was a well known politician.
Joan of Arc
She must have been charismatic or something to convince the King of France that she should be put in charge of the entire French army ... at 15 !
um Simon..the English already "met her once"...*LOL* unfriendly lot they were to her too...*LOL* I think I would want to meet Ludwig Wittgenstein, Alan Turing and probably from another period Lord Byron, Shelley and the other writers who were hanging out w/them. Sincerely, District Overbeer
1...great grandma
3...Santa....just because I want to see how Mrs,Clause put up with him taking off for the whole night.....
4..ya some kind of bible cartoon.......i still have a hard time beliveing they were all real....
Country Girl
Jesus: So I could ask him if there really *is* a white light at the end of the tunnel.
John Lennon: I'd ask him if there was a white light at the end of the "long and winding road"
Judge Rutherford: I'd ask him if the white light at the end of the tunnel was blinking, old, or new.
got my forty homey?
Christopher Columbus to find out exactly what his plans were for discovering the new world.
Adam, to find out what was he thinking, why was he so pussy whipped
and a nephilim, to find out why he came to this god forsaken earth just for a peace of ass, of course after he gave me his answer he propably would have stomped me into a mudhole, but hey?
. adam/eve,(wow blue blades-they were really my fist pic too) jesus, then Sigmund Freud(sp), to ask him why he was so obessed with his mother. (his mother really did a number on him)
My great grandmother's parents, who were Indians. I knew her, but didn't know she was an Indian until 50 years after she died. I would love to know more about that history.
My mother's father, so I could ask him "where in the hell have you been?" He disappeared.............without a trace, back in 1928.
My mother's grandparents, so I could find out where in Ireland they lived.
(the genealogist in me comes out in threads like this)
got my forty homey?
Do you mean Indians like, Taliban blow up World trade center yellow cab driving stinky roach eating towel head wearing dot on the forehead curry eating or Native Americans?