Penny-pinching calendars!

by metatron 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Take a good look at the new 2004 Watchtower calendar and compare it with ANY OTHER CALENDAR you receive.

    It's tiny ( old folks can barely read the print)

    It's only eight pages - with the months doubled up on each page.

    Now, tell me how God is wonderfully expanding this organization, amidst frequent appeals for more contributions!

    Apparently, the penny pinching is so bad that they can't give any month a full page together with a full page picture.



  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Even in better years, their calendar was the most useless; no indication of ``worldly" holidays or historically important dates to facilitate one's planning of vacation and other events.

    Yup, they devote the better part of two recent magazines begging for money, a JW buddy of mine shows me the Watchtower business card of a Bethelite with the title `International Cash Management" -- I kid you not -- they present five-figure bills to attendees at two-day circuit assemblies with a straight face --- and the books (and calendars) get cheesier and cheesier.

    What's wrong with this picture?

  • rocketman

    Plus, there are no pin-up pics of pioneer sisters, scantily clad in dresses or skirts, below the kneee of course.

  • sens

    I hate the calenders they pump out...boring...

  • Dansk

    LOL at Room 215

    no indication of ``worldly" holidays or historically important dates

    Yep, the 'Tower is getting thriftier and thriftier in readiness for all the BIG payouts it's going to have to make to successful litigants.

    The brochures were beginning to feel more like a roughish toilet paper every year, while the yearbooks shrunk, looked and felt like a 'Reader's Digest'.

    Don't ya just love it!


  • ozziepost

    Perhaps they're in two minds as to producing a calendar? Is it a gradual fazing out?

  • stillajwexelder

    Perhaps they're in two minds as to producing a calendar? Is it a gradual fazing out? ACTUALLY THAT IS A GOOD POINT -- If I were them it would be one of the first things I would get rid of to save money

  • Sassy

    Someone is mailing me a calendar and the Examing the Scriptures. I don't want it. I haven't replied yet because I know any reply will be a negative one and hurt the one who is hoping I'll take it and maybe they will get me back on track.

  • ozziepost

    There used to be an old-style one page calendar with "tear off" months many years ago, then for a time there was no calendar. It was re-introduced in modern format with much proclaiming of how the R&F should be grateful for this "loving provision". There seemed even then to be some half-heartedness about it. One of the reasons they gave was that most dubs have worldly calendars and it would be better to have a "theocratic" one.

    So, all in all, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see it go.

  • Sassy

    my ex husband actually took pictures for the calendar once. A CO had recommended his talent and so we got this letter in the mail inviting us to send in pictures. We did, but none were ever used. The letter stressed how important it was never to tell anyone you took pictures for them, especially if they are used. It was meant to keep one humble I assume and not boast.

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