When I was visiting my parents yesterday I noticed that where the Watchtower calender had hung for so many years in my teens there now hung a "Weezer" calender. I think many R&F dubs are getting sick of the cheesy ones put our by the society.
by metatron 18 Replies latest jw friends
When I was visiting my parents yesterday I noticed that where the Watchtower calender had hung for so many years in my teens there now hung a "Weezer" calender. I think many R&F dubs are getting sick of the cheesy ones put our by the society.
I always thought the JW calanders were useless. They don't make note of holidays, so you always needed a real calendar anyway, or you could end up going in to work on a holiday. Yeah, it happened to me.
I always at least knew when the memorial was, if I missed meetings a lot. That was the one time I looked at it.
I don't plan on going next year. At least that is how I am feeling now.
I always felt guilty about having a "worldly" calender in my bedroom instead of the societies one. I usually liked to have something that inspired me hanging on the wall. But the societies calendar was just boring and lame as hell. The later ones reminded me of christian or biblical artwork that catholics used to hang up in their houses.
I usually had a LoTR or Star Trek calendar. Would have loved to have one with bikini clad girls but I think that was out of the question in my house.
Would have loved to have one with bikini clad girls but I think that was out of the question in my house.
I'd have come to counsel you, you naughty boy!
Scans, anyone?
My mother hangs 2 calendars. 1 worldly, 1 JW. I think the JW one just hangs because it's a JW calendar. Months will go by without her turning the pages.
Maybe the Society will put one out like the Fire Department of New York did.. with some hot, hunky Bethelite boys in it (do those exist?) in nothing but their brief(s)cases. Woooo Wooo!
Someone said the Society is getting half-hearted about calendars?
Well they were intended to promote more field service, with the reminders for first Sunday of the month (literature distribution) and two or more Saturdays per month (magazine distribution). I think it said "magazine day" or something like on the appropriate days.
But it didn't really work.
Calendars -- they're pagan anyway, what with all the names of those Roman gods and stuff. What would a good Christian be doing with such pagan paraphernalia on their walls?