Great article, greven... thanks!
Interesting article: Everybody Hates Us
by greven 21 Replies latest jw friends
stillajwexelder--- That is such a farse it's unreal. I don't see how anyone can say the jews are persecuted simply because they are a jew in the US . Those people get billions of dollars in aid from the US in Israel. I've never heard of the canadians hating jews and it seems alot of russians are jewish . OK so the germans had a problem and the arabs hatem that's hardly universal . These evangelists are mostly nut jobs anyway but I just can't see where the persectution comes in .
Here in the south-south west, evangelistic religions are very common. I grew up with a lot of church of christ, and almost as hateful as jws. We also had a lot of what we used ot call "holly rollers" not sure what they are called now. I can see why people hate these people, so pious, and condemning of others. I can deal with the catholics easier, at least they (now anyway) don't seem to bother anyone. The others are in your face and irritating.
Yep, that's a keeper. Thanks.
Christians are still imperfect people and have all of the same faults, desires and problems as everyone who is not a Christian, we still must try to always improve, not because it is required to gain salvation, as the JWs teach, but because of our love for our Lord Jesus, and our desire to be like Him.
I'm with you there, Borgfree. -
The Pope's Pears: The vaginal pear was used on woman who had sex with the Devil or his familiars. The rectal pear was used on passive male homosexuals and the oral pear was used on heretical preachers or lay persons found guilty of unorthodox practices. Inserted into the mouth, anus or vagina of the victim, the pear was expanded by use of the screw until the insides are ripped, stretched and mutilated, almost always causing death. The pointed ends of the 'leaves' were good for ripping the throat, intestines or cervix open.
hey man where did you get this information from could you give me the link
they had this instrument on tv about 4 weeks ago on the History channel about ways to TORTURE FOLKS
THIS ONE STOOD OUT THE MOST ESP in terms of inserting it into a woman virgina or a persons anus and then proceeding to open it up slow and then ask the person a question and wait for them to confess and then open it a little more and ask the question again
to think that the God of the Heavens could sit back and watch this truly makes me want to get to know this god- yea right
That is a great article, amen, amen and amen. As much as I adore my new church, I do wish members of the congregation had shown more interest in me as a person when we first met. You know, where are you from? How did you find us? Going to church long? etc. etc.
Is she saaaaved?
You have a PM
"We tend to blame the media"
Oh I just love that. Did you know that one trait psychiatrists look for in psychopaths is blaming others for your own problems. So since psychopaths blame others and evangelicals blame others, then evangelicals (and jw's) are psychopaths. Oh, if it were all that simple.
And wearing the badge of "the unrighteously hated because we are right" reminds me the the recent WT study Blondie did for us. Basically the WTS says we should definitely be persecuted or we are not faithful enough. Are there actual degrees of faith? Can you have a little faith? I don't see how. Either you believe or you don't.
When people come across as "holier than thou" it is real hard not to dislike them and their message. This reminds me of a Baptist friend who told me this past weekend that she is living in sin with her boyfriend. I said I didn't think 42 yr old women could live in sin, I mean aren't you old enough not to be expected to get married and settledown? No, she said that she knows what she's doing is wrong, that she is sinning. I mean she was serious! I told her that if god is love that he won't hold it against her (hey she's my friend and I thought I should attempt to console her), but I asked wasn't she probably going to hell? No she said nothing could separate her from Jesus. I said well your new boyfriend has, she said I didn't understand. And she's right I don't, because she says I'll probably end up in hell, but she won't.
So no wonder no one wants to hear their message.
Panda of the Hellbound class
Great replies folks!
Gumby that site freaked me out! Brrrrr! How inventive we humans become in finding ways of inflicting excrudiating pain onto others!
Sorry for the graphics Greven....didn't mean to gross you out. I don't like looking at it very long myself. It does help one appreciate the deep hatred that can happen.........with SOME christians.
I'm sure that every christian on this site could NEVER wish those torments on anyone. It has always been people of a particular greedy, selfish mindset, who could perform such attrocities. When hitler commited his attrocities against the jews and others.....I'm sure that the general German populace, was NOT in agreement to WHAT he was doing and did.