In the year 1914 God placed his anointed King upon his throne and directed him to begin his rule amongst the enemy. (Ps. 2:6; 110:2) Three and one-half years thereafter, to wit, 1918, the Lord came to his temple. At that time he presented himself to his professed people as their King and earth's rightful Governor. At that time Jesus Christ was also a tried and precious Stone. In the great battle fought in heaven between Christ Jesus and the enemy Satan, Christ Jesus was victorious, therefore tried, true and faithful, and the Conqueror. (Rev. 12:7-10) When he presented himself as King, in the complete fulfilment, those who believed and accepted him rejoiced greatly, and to them he is and ever will be "precious".
Prophesy 1929 pp 104-5 - J F Rutherford