It is going to be hard for you to understand because you have not been a JW before. Their reasoning on things is so different than what you would think. It is true that your opposition to him attending meetings is going to be looked upon as persecution, and even as an attack by Satan, all the more reason for him to "move ahead" and fight that much harder to go. You of course will be seen as just another worldly person under the hooks of the devil, being used by him to do evil against those who want to do God's will. See? The more you fight, the more you might lose. The only thing you can hope for is that he will someday see the light about the "light" and leave that way. Otherwise, you will have a husband with a guilt stricken conscience who will be resentful of you for keeping him from God, that is, if he listens to you. Wish I could be more hopeful for you, but it is a way of thinking that is NOT easy to get rid of.