by logansrun 36 Replies latest jw friends
District Overbeer
great job
great car
great home
great vacations
I would love to do adventerous things including riding my bicycle from Oregon to Mexico. All along the California coast.
There are things I also don't want to do. I don't want to have children. Children would get in the way of almost everything I want to do. I'm way too selfish to be a mommy.
Funny, I have no desire to get my family out of the org. I think they need it.
What an odd thing to say. Do tell? Do you suppose it gives them discipline that they would otherwise lack? I think that is a very sad statement. Jw's are enslaved to man and his false teachings. They are unhappy in the depths of their soul. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Get nominated for the Turner prize
Go away on my own and walk/ ride around a country I've hav'nt been to.
Get everyone i've ever known in one place for a huge party.
Go kite surfing with my brother.
Swim with dolphins.
Climb something serious.
How about we post in a year and see how many we've managed to do ?
They are unhappy in the depths of their soul
you know, it really does work for some people. haven't you ever met some one and thought, wow, you can take a person out of the org but you can't take the org out of the person? (did that make sense?) i have. i've met lots of people that buy into organized religion. and just because i think it's a lie doesn't mean it's not benefitting them in some way.
my family just happens to be full of people who i believe would be happier without the shackles of witness-dom.
Valis: I got to spend 2 weeks in Nerja Spain in August. It was INCREDIBLE. BRILLIANT
also, I'm with you on visiting the Playboy Mansion
you know, it really does work for some people. haven't you ever met some one and thought, wow, you can take a person out of the org but you can't take the org out of the person? (did that make sense?) i have. i've met lots of people that buy into organized religion. and just because i think it's a lie doesn't mean it's not benefitting them in some way.
No tink....I honestly can say that I disagree. I have had different experiences than you though, so I guess I can only go by what I know and have seen. I have not to this day, met a jw who is happy or well adjusted or not caught up in the judgemental attitudes which cause self misery. I see no happiness and very little love. It is my reality. I am glad that you know differently though.
Hey Brad, I want to meet Noam Chomsky too!
I agree that some people need the WTS. Sad but true. I'd be shocked if my father ever left. Shocked!
I would like to:
Eat Thai food in Thailand
Go back to college
Make sure my son realizes as many of his dreams as possible (even if that means he's a drummer, movie star and hockey goalie all at the same time)
Learn to play guitar and the piano
Be in a movie (even if it's only as an extra)
Discover something
Have a successful relationship (longer than 6 months would be nice)
Meet the Beastie Boys and System of a Down
Help my friends realize their dreams
I've been to China, but didn't get to the Great Wall. That's on the list.
I have an invitation to go to Tibet & Vietnam, but I really want to go to Mongolia.
I've rented an airplane and flown in one foreign country. I want to do that in others and get lots of "chops" in my logbook.
Next time I am in Singapore, I have to get a "Singapore Sling" @ Raffles.
I don't like Scotch whisky, but I should try it in Scotland before I swear off the stuff.
Every now and then, people discuss the Nazca Plain and the gigantic "sand figure lines". I want to fly a private plane across there.
My deceased business partner wanted to take the "Trans-Siberian" Railroad. Maybe I'll do it for him.
I've been "challenged" (right word???) to live in a foreign country: I suspect that I'll do this whether I like it or not . I would like to live through this experience
This time, I want to fill my passport and have to get a new one before it expires.