Elders misusing donations for "the Worldwide Work" in Oz

by ozziepost 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rocketman

    Gopher is right - the Society wants their money. They'd never go for any other setup. And if a CO comes around and finds that the congregation has a decent amount of money on hand in the bank, there's a very good chance the elders are going to be told to forward a good portion, if not just about all of it, to the Society.

  • unclebruce

    "Fancy that! Elders stealing the Society's funds! Oh dear, oh dear!No No No" LOL!

    yeah well, stealing's stealing so it's fair cop i guess but let's face it - a bloke 'd be waiting till the end of the world to get rich by pinching from an Australian Contribution box! Last cong I was in had an average monthly collection of $13.50 (or thereabouts ;)

    that's the trouble with being a JW .. there's nuth'n at the Hall worth knocking off!

    (though I knew a young bro. who tried to abscond with a CO's statesman! .. they breed 'em tough at Port Adelaide)

    unc who tooked more than he gaved

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    When I was a kid I used to rob the box so I could buy ice cream from the ice cream man that came around my house. Ahh those good old days yeah got to love them space bars, ummm good.

  • Maverick

    I was account servant in three different congs. while I was "in". The first time back when they had to put a cash value on all the literature and count pioneer credits. When the WWW change was made and they did away with taking money for the literature it made it easier for the brothers running those departments and more confusing for the publishers.

    I would get checks and wads of cash in either box with notes clipped to them saying to use so much for the local needs and so much for the WWW. I saved those notes so the Corporate Inspector, (CO), would not think I was mixing monies. Some older folks put their money in one box for years, so when the boxes got "reassigned" they still put their money in the same place no matter what label went on to that box after the change.

    The CO would spend a lot of time making sure the accounts were right and the WTS was getting their "cut". If the locals were not getting enought to pay their bills that was not his, or the WTS problem. Maverick

  • caspian

    Interesting post Young Ozzie.

    I remember our elders receiving a "off handed letter" in May this year, complaining that our CHAPS payments to London were not being paid weekly, as per the instructions and that we had to get our Accounts Servants finger pulled out, apparently our payments were only being paid once a month.

    Amazing how many reminders are made about contributions to our willing generous dubs.

    Worldwide work

    KH Operating expenses

    KH Building Fund

    CO Expenses

    Parking for Conventions

    Convention Donations

    Circuit Assembly Donations

    Special Assembly Day Donations

    Ministerial Training School Expenses

    Missionary coming to our convention expenses

    Pioneer school expenses

    HLC expenses

    Dock witnessing Expenses

    Assembly Hall maintenance expenses

    I'm sure that there are more that I have forgotten about

    Regards to the Missus, Oz


  • ozziepost

    Ahhh, so many funds, so little time!

    Good to reminisce with ya, Cas!

    Cheers, OzzieCheers 2

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    All these boxes at the back of the Kingdom hall:

    Worldwide work

    KH Operating expenses

    KH Building Fund

    CO Expenses

    Parking for Conventions

    Convention Donations

    Circuit Assembly Donations

    Special Assembly Day Donations

    Ministerial Training School Expenses

    Missionary coming to our convention expenses

    Pioneer school expenses

    HLC expenses

    Dock witnessing Expenses

    Assembly Hall maintenance expenses

    They'll probably need another box:

    Reinforce the rear wall of the Kingdom Hall so as to support the weight of a multitude of contribution boxes

  • tazmaniac


    No, all we have is a plethora of boxes to coerce the already uneducated (college that is) witnesses to give their monies from what little they have and find a way to make it seem like they are putting something in each box. I dont know if they are still stressing that since we pick up the literature without cost that witnesses should donate what they "feel" the literature is worth right after they pick it up. I do remember the stern talk that was given that if you donated to cover the cost of the literature when you picked it up that you should never ever ever re-coup this "up-front" monies from donations solicited by pocketing the amount you put up from monies recieved from the door. I remember one elders meeting where we decided to strategically place elders and servants near the donation box to "compell" them to donate for the literature when picked up. I know this "double paying" for the literature has been the subject of many posts etc. But I remember it frosting my nuggets when it was being instituted and promoted by the society.

  • undercover
    The elders wanted to do that in a couple of congregations where my hubbie was accounts servant, that is use the money donated to the www to pay the mortgage. He told them that he wasn't going to "cook the books" and they backed down. They finally had a talk "reminding" the publishers that any money donated to the www could not be used for the mortgage and to be sure to put their donations in the right boxes.

    Ya know, this kinda stuff is stupid. Give, give, give. But make sure you put it in the right box.

    If I remember correctly there are three different boxes in the halls. The local monies, the Worldwide Work(read literature sales) and Building Fund(read real estate scam). Why does it have to split apart? Why not have one box, collect all the monies, pay the bills, send a percentage each month back to New York and keep a small kitty for local emergancies or repairs? Two reasons come to mind: One, if you have three distinct funds that need money, subconsciensly people feel the need to give to all three and two; It's not about serving God or preaching or whatever. It's about money. It's a corporation, not a church.

  • blindfool


    I can think of one more reason. The society does not trust the local congregations with splitting the money fairly.

    I think it goes to show what the society really thinks of the local elders and servants. They can't be trusted to use donated money wisely. Just my opionion.


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