WHAT I find most interesting about this poster comments is that i fully understand what he is saying, THAT having been said, his comments reveal exactly what the wt has worked very hard at accomplishing over the years-
a while back we had a very heated debate about the role that elders play in the COG IN THE WHEEL of wt and while it is an important role, the fact is-- that the vast majority of elders around the world are just as much DUPED AS SISTER OLD WITH the walker-
to keep telling some guy with a flunky job, no education, no real career, that God has chosen him IS ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY MAKE HIM BELIEVE IT
i was an elder and while i didn't feel no anointing oil on my head, i felt that god was using me to help folks and most important to keep gods org clean-
the fact of the matter is --in my exp-- the avg jw CAN'T GET HIS ANGER ANY HIGHER THAN perhaps the CO-
think about it, it is easy to find a jw who complains about the elders ----about what they do or don't do
and then there are some jw who are brave enough to even comment about the CO, but rarely will you find a car group talking about the DO and certainly not the Society
and that is BY DESIGN MY FRIENDS- THE wt has been able to DISTANCE ITSELF successfuly from the anger and frustration that the avg jw has and even times former jw-
i constantly read of the stories of how the elders did this or did that, yet many folks stop to think WHY, WHY DO THE ELERS DO WHAT THEY DO
yea you have some folks who are just born JackA$$, but for so many it is merely a matter of doing what they believe is right-
that is the reason why when elders like myself and others come to fully understand how the wt has duped and used us as well as the way they used publisher- we too are just as Pissed off AS THE NEXT JW
as long as the wt can keep jw and former jw pissed at the dumb local elders - they are able to stay above the noise-
so don't get mad at joe blow elder,- who upon learning the same thing that you know, would be more than glad to take out a can of "Whip A$$" on the society along with you- smile
just my 2