The elders who treated me so coldly and indifferently - well the leader got to see his oldest daughter become a lesbian and a drug user. Which isn't a problem in MY book, but I imagine the pain must have been terrible for him. How embarassing, to one minute be denouncing and unforgiving and merciless... and then to be suddenly dropped into the mud, trampled by your own flesh and blood...
Makes me giggle. I'm not perfect. I can appreciate life's little ironies. Alhtough I do hope it made him a more merciful and compassionate person, although I doubt it. But you never know.
All the WT would so is say that te Elder had not followed the "correct procedure" as laid down by the organisation. Probably some "procedure" that the Elder had never heard of. The Elder would be removed as a show that something was being done. All the other JW's will think what a wonderful organisation it is that it was all sorted out
right on the money- wt would just disavow any knowledge of him MISSION IMPOSSIBLE