I run into Sister K. at her office sometimes. Everytime I do we 'get into it' about how awful things are in the
Sister K. talks about how untrustworthy the elders are, how the Society doesn't do anything to help young Witnesses
who are leaving en-masse. She tells me how unloving her congregation is. She agrees with my logic on the Society
damaging families by extremism and lack of love.
She has tried to end her life more than once. She has fantasized about her kids getting resurrected if they died now,
rather than later.
She takes antidepressants like many local Witnesses I know. She cares for family members in poor health.
Despite all of the above, she gets excited everytime some brother/ speaker comes up with some new speculation
why the "End is Soon". She is often foremost in giving "righteous" comments in the Watchtower Study about
loyalty and faithfulness. I guess sometimes people need to hear themselves say things out loud, that they have
trouble believing. She attends most all of the meetings and is regular in service.
Sister K is NOT a 'composite' fiction. All the contradictions I've mentioned co-exist somehow in one person
who is a kind, decent , caring human being who says, in summary, "where else can I go?".
I think there may be millions of Witnesses like her - suffering a kind of addiction they will never find
any way out of - that's the truth about that "truth".
God have mercy on Sister K. and all those like her. Welcome to the "Spiritual Paradise".