Was it JW related? A death? A friendship gone bad? What???
What's The Worst Experience You've Ever Had To Deal With In Your Life?
by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends
Watching my mother try and stab herself with a pair of scissors when she had her first nervous breakdown. That was freaky!
Lady Lee
OMG Min - Could you pick anything more depressing?
Personally too many to count - some JW related but most were not
and most of mine are posted all over this forum
Mine was health related - in the summer of 2000, ultrasounds (4 in one year and I had to "hold my water"). That's as far as I'm going for an explanation.
Being clostrophobic (sp?) , terrified of men in general and in a 6'x9' room with three elders trying to explain that although I had been guilty of fornication with a brother 22 years my senior (I had already been reproved for that) I was not guilty of doing it again even though somebody had seen 'his' car parked at my house all night. ( I had bought the car from him 6 months prior and had driven it to the KH to meetings that whole 6 months). I was so stressed out I thought I was going to faint. All I could think about was getting out of there as fast as I could. I got DF'd.
Just thinking about it makes me sick.
Sometimes, expressing what was so bad might make you feel a lot better. Losing my grandmother to cancer was traumatic for me since she pretty much raised me along with my mother. I feel very bad to this day that I never knew where she was buried or even had a "wake" or "viewing" for her. She was at death's door on a meeting night. We went to the meeting. The next morning she died. A day later, we were out in service. That Saturday afternoon, we gave a memorial talk for her. And that was it.
Probably getting "persecuted" when I was in grade 7. I've written about it many times. Kicking, punching, ect, because I was JW and wore ugly, out of date clothes because Jehovah's people are supposed to stand out.
Second would probably be my ex leaving me. I was left with an apartment I couldn't afford, lots of bills, broken heart, etc.
Third, moving out of my parents' house. I was paying rent and had a curfew at age 20. I was constantly being told how stupid I was, being ordered not to leave the house, etc. Me and my dad ended up not talking for over a year.
The rest are all scattered. My best friend of 19 years betraying me and my car accident are pretty low on the list compared to these three.
Watching my dad die of cancer slowly when I was 13. Having his Family reject us & rip us off for money, right after he died, even though they had way more $$$$ than us. They're dubs. Having my moms family reject us after he died, also over $$$$$$.
Finding out my bro had been molested right after watching his dad die, he was four, & the stupid F-ing elders & the WTS covered it up, & he went on to molest tons more kids.
and ((((((minimus)))))) that's awful...I did'nt do much for a few months after my grandmother and both my parents died;could'nt work etc; you just need to give your life over to thinking about them or it dos'nt feel respectful, does it? My grandmother died of cancer-but I was able to be with her.
I thought I wouldn't post on this- but I want to now - i'm feeling quietly angry lately and sometimes getting it out makes you realise how far you've come.
I've been sexually assaulted three times; raped; verbally abused and badly beaten as a child from age 5-16, witnessed a level of violence that's a bit much to mention, nearly lost my brother because of it, but he's fine now
cannot visit my mother's grave as now my dad's there too...even though he was like he was it was still difficult to cope with his death as I had to grieve for something I had never had-a decent father;
have also had to deal with lack of confidence and self esteem issues and have an unenviable ability to switch off emotionally from people who threaten or scare me or make fun of me that is probably unhealthy-but a reactive coping mechanism i'm working on.
apart from that i'm fine
Searchers find two bodies from capsized boat
WebPosted Jan 17 2003 07:38 PM EST
MORDEN, N.S. ? Search and rescue crews are out in the dark and cold looking for a third fishermen who disappeared Thursday. The bodies of two other men have already been found in the surf near Morden, N.S. "We're still treating this as a search and rescue and hoping that the news will be better for the third person," says Denise Laviolette, spokesperson for the search and rescue centre in Halifax.The three men, all in their 20's, were reported overdue in Margaretsville, in Annapolis County, Thursday afternoon by anxious family members.Their 39-ft vessel, Pretty Knotty, was found capsized later near Morden, in Kings County.
One body was found by a ground search team ? the other from the air by a military aircraft Friday morning. As the search continues, the community of Morden is trying to help in any way it can. Some people have been serving food to rescue crews and distraught family members since early in the morning. "We are just generally trying to keep everybody warm and fed while they are going through their terrible tragedy," says Marion Lee.
This happened in January, my uncle and cousin were the 2 fishermen's bodies that they found, they were 22 and 28. The one they still havent found was my uncle's brother in law. This is definatly, the hardest thing that ive ever had to go through....my family is still incredibly torn apart.
I guess my second one, was one of my friends threatening to kill himself, and asking me to kill him, and threatening that if i didnt, he'd kill me.
thats my story