The problem in the firstplace is that the elders believe that you are expected to give them an accounting----anytime they say so. I used to hate knowing that an elder went up to a person BEFORE the meeting to tell someone that 2 elders or more wanted to speak to them about a matter after the meeting. It makes the poor person worry for 2 hours. It all goes with the power of the elders.
What Was Your Biggest Gripe About The Elders???
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Their uncaring attitude. It was like my family was invisible, we didn't matter to the elders. They still treat my hubby that way, he is irregular at meetings and service, he is basically ignored. I know he is hurting, and in his mind the ones that he loves the most are going to die. You think that they would give him a few words of encouragement. But I can consider myself lucky that so far they haven't payed me too much attention.
I didnt really like anyone, i just wanted to go there and get out as fast as I could, I would scream and scream, sometimes so loud they'd have to take me to the back lol Im bad
got my forty homey?
I served in a Congregation in New York City (Manhattan). So we had a lot of Bethel Elders in our congo. I always found that the local body of elders were humble enough servant of the Congregation. I remember a homeless man came to our hall on with no shoes and one of the local elders went home and brought him a pair of shoes to wear.
The problem was with the Brooklyn Bethel elders. These guys use to love to lord it over. They were like the gestapo always looking to get someone of in some sort of trouble and always quoting the Society's procedures on doing things. Funny thing these guys had terrible relationships with their wives and usually after a year left to go back to Idaho because thier wives couldn't take the bethel thing anymore.
Pet peeves of mine with this guys were like trying to get everyone to squish in together during light meeting nights by removing the last sets of seats . I always felt if someone wanted to sit in the last row that was their business, not some wise guy Mexican bethel elder from Utah. Another funny experience was when a DF's person was reinstated we all clapped. Then in the early 80s this was frowned upon and we had a hot shot Haiwian bethel elder counsel us on this was a wrong practice, I forgot the technical reasons now, but it was even more of a reason not to come back. I think the society should try to read the story of the prodigal son again and heavily meditate on the true meaning of this story.
You don't like Mexicans and Hawaiians, do you?
got my forty homey?
No, IM half Puerto Rican and Half Mexican, I dislike phony overrighteous know it alls. I'v always said that only one person could brag and act like he knew everything but didn't. That was Jesus Christ.