The Watchtower Society always attempts to disprove or discredit valid arguments or statements by criticizing the ability of individuals to think, reason, ask tough questions and make their own decisions! If they can't logically attack the message, they attack the messenger!! The name calling of apostates or anyone who doesn't agree with all the WTBTS flip-flops ( the light gets brighter) never stops! According to the Watchtower Society, apostates ( this article never has any examples) are opposers who misrepresent the WTBTS beliefs.
So, according to this Watchtower study, all Jehovah's Witness members should not question all the pedophile lawsuits, all the closings of Kingdom Halls all over the world, the reduction of printed materials, the scandal in the Rome, Italy Bethel, the selling of New York Watchtower properties( $$$$$ IN THE BILLIONS ), United Nations scandal, Malawi and Mexico scandal, and all its misquotes, deceptions, and lies.
November 2018
This issue contains the study articles for December 31, 2018 to February 3, 2019.
5 Sadly, some today have failed to hold on to the truth. Some were stumbled by an adjusted understanding of a Bible passage or by what a prominent brother said or did. Others were offended by Scriptural counsel they received, or they let go of the truth because of a personality clash with a fellow Christian. Still others took sides with apostates and other opposers who misrepresented our beliefs. As a result, some deliberately began “drawing away” from Jehovah and the congregation. (Heb. 3:12-14) How much better it would have been if they had maintained their faith and kept their confidence in Jesus, as the apostle Peter did! When Jesus asked the apostles if they wanted to leave, Peter immediately replied: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.” —John 6:67-69.