Hellas chocolate bars
I miss this from A$$€mb£i€$
by punkofnice 27 Replies latest jw experiences
I do not miss assemblies, not one bit, especially Norwich, and the three hour coach drive it took to get there.
(Sorry if upset anyone!)
Ah Norwich ! went there a couple of times, by car, we had to park the car a little way from the Stadium, a walk along the canal to go get, left the wife and kids , went to get the car, but, Lo and Behold ! a handy Pub right on the towpath ! Phizzy had a crafty pint, before collecting the family, then went out for some more in the evening !
Got to make the whole thing as pleasant as you can, ain'tcha ?
I found out after I left the org. some sensible JW's hired a barge and moored next to the Pub as their accommodation !
Well well well!!
I am given to understand that pub was pretty much invaded by JWs most of the assembly weekends.
(I wouldn’t know, of course, being a good little JW)
(ha-ha) well at least somebody enjoyed it!?
Beth Sarim
""(Sorry if upset anyone!) ""
You didn't .
A$$€mb£i€$ were the worst experience since piles.
I did love those Hellas bars. Weren't they Swedish?
Beth Sarim
I'm sorry to ask this,,but what are Hellas bars?
Weren't they Swedish?
I thought they were a product of Finland, but maybe I'm wrong
I'm sorry to ask this,,but what are Hellas bars?
Incredible chocolate