We had doughnuts 'darn sarf' as well. There was a Borther(tm) that was a baker by trade. Sensational doughnuts!
I miss this from A$$€mb£i€$
by punkofnice 27 Replies latest jw experiences
stan livedeath
going back to Murrayfield '65--as i said we all slept in hired tents--about 6(?) to a tent. We had to take our own sleeping bags. One morning i woke up to find the guy in the next sleeping bag had got a girl in with him. Lucky bugger.
One afternoon several of us had gone on a pub crawl in Edinburgh city center. I can recall several of us taking a leak from the footbridge in the park onto the train running underneath. I cant remember what that park was called--Waverly ?-next to the castle. (edit--Princes street gardens)
What a fine example of young JWs we were.
This is the brand you're talking about, right?
Oh, yes indeed!
Beth Sarim
Too bad we never had those in USA or Canada.
One of the questions after an A$$€mb£y was, 'did you get any Hellas bars?'
A much better question than, 'what crap were they spouting from the pratform?'
The ONLY worthy thing about CAs and DCs/RCs/ICs I miss is THE FOOD WT, through other contracted companies, provided back in the day when they had dubs and non-members purchase tickets. The frozen puddings (any flavor), hoagies, and hamburgers were my favs. It's a shame that WT eradicated this arrangement. They've made it harder and more cumbersome for families-- especially the ones who had to make their meals--to deal with all of that. Makes a person wonder if the leadership wanted to make things difficult for the membership anyways! 😖😫
Beth Sarim
HiddlesWife: In the early 1990s I believe the Borg got "spooked"" as a religious organization existing as a tax-free entity that would charge a "monetary" fee for anything ...including food or literature. David A Reed has a book outlining that. Secondly......yeah...they rolled-out the donation $ystem in the early 1990s.....might have realized the sheeple were too comfortable.....scrapped the food arrangement & making it more cumbersome and difficult for the sheeple and families