Predictions for the next decade?

by jehovaxx 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Or to put it a little less “dramatically” than that: there are internal and external factors involved in the growth or decline of religious movements. For the past 80 years or so calm external conditions have meant that internal factors (such as 1975, generation teaching, preaching, policies and so on) have tended to dictate the growth and decline of JWs. In the coming years external factors may not be as quiescent and may become more important in determining the growth or decline of JWs.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Predictions For The Next Decade!

    The Governing Body of The WTBTS' behavior rapidly going from dumb to dumber! 😂 😂 🤣

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    It's conceivable that the Borg will become an online religion like a 700 club.

    An onslaught of child abuse settlements the Borg will have no choice but a fire sale of KH's.

    All these WT studies about blind obedience and daily texts about blind obedience and what not.

  • ThomasMore

    WTC is disentegrating before my eyes, but in slow motion like a train that derails, folding up into itself and crushing everything in its way as body parts fly through the air onto the sides of the track.

    Some telltale events could signal it's trajectory into the abyss, like:

    1. More and more use of ChatGPT as they reduce the writing staff. Yes - I think most of their articles are strung together by AI generated content. Do a side by side comparison for yourself and I think you will see the similarities
    2. Reduce the hierarchy (few or no CO's, fewer elders, fewer elders wives :-)
    3. Allow beards on men AND women (my old JW girlfriend had a fuller beard than I could after a 2 week vacation)
    4. Elimination of all words that require a dictrionary to understand
    5. Discontinuation of all maintenance in the Kingdom Halls that cost more than $1.25 (Dollar store max price)
    6. Telling the truth about something - if they ever do, then the END IS HERE!
    7. No longer requiring the reporting of time . Already done

    Seriously, the recent defeats in court have shaken them up. The floodgates for massive losses are now open wide and plaintiffs are lining up to take their share, even if it's only a lazyboy chair from Mark Sanders room at Warwick. I even heard Donald Trump say that the only one getting charged more than him is WTC!!

    I promise to come back and voice my astonishment if WTC makes it 5 more years without filing Chap 11.

  • Foolednomore

    JW GoneBad- The GB going from Dumb to Dumber as time passes. Yes!

  • Vidiot

    If they stay the course and keep doubling down…

    …their policies and actions send ‘em further and further up Shit Creek without a paddle, the money runs dry, and they’re doomed to be a footnote in the history books.

    If they cut their losses in desperation and mainstream…

    …they effectively relinquish any claim to exclusive divine favor, flushing any remaining incentive to stay down the toilet, and the Exodus puts its foot so far up their ass they can taste it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Borg is a slow motion train wreck.

    To its eventual demise. It will end sometime

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