It would be great if the current copyright holders would at least do something to make Raymond’s books available for purchase in one form or another, at least as an e-book, seeing that there is in fact a rising demand for it. The overhead costs for marketing some electronic form of the books, I would think, would be pretty well nothing in comparison to an actual hard copy printing run. It would just require some nominal storage space on a public server, such as Amazon. (That is, as long as they wouldn’t impose those ridiculous, Goddamn “geographical restrictions,” which Amazon is unfortunately notorious for. When I’m trying to purchase something from Amazon and I just get a message informing me that my order “cannot be processed due to geographical restrictions” just because I live here in Canada instead of the USA, then it’s all I can do to keep myself from putting my fist right through my computer monitor! God help me if that ever happens to me after I’ve had a coupe of pints of draft beer, I swear.)
But if for some strange reason the current copyright holders of Raymond’s books are unwilling to make them available for purchase even in electronic form, then they should at least look for someone else willing to invest in legally buying them out and taking over the copyright ownership so as to allow the ever-increasing market for those books to purchase them legitimately.
There will always be unscrupulous pirates no matter what – just like there will always be folks who download music from torrent sites and smoke pot, etc. All well. Let’s be real. (As the JWs would probably say, “It’s Satan’s world, don’t you know.”) But, on the other hand, people shouldn’t tempt fate by lazily or stubbornly sitting on books that many people really do want and would very gladly pay for legitimately.
The current copyright holders should, as they say, either make or get off the pot and let someone else with a little more gumption take it over. That way, everyone wins, and those well-written and powerfully important books of our dear Raymond Franz could actually live on to enlighten the current new generation of JWs. I think that would show the highest respect for Raymond’s work – and I’m sure that we would all agree that would be exactly what he would have wanted!