Should Sexual Offenders Be Detained Even After They've Done Their Time?

by Country Girl 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I know for a fact that there is very little chance of sex offenders being "cured" or even having an opportunity to be "cured" while incarcerated. That's because prison's do not offer any psychiatric treatment for them...and if they are evaluated as being in need of psych treatment for any reason by a prison psychiatrist, the prison officials ignore the requests to have them transferred to a psych facility, unless the offender goes completely bonkers....Prison officials may "make nice" with pretty words to the affect that they cover all essential medical and psychiatric needs of inmates, but they're only words.....the reality is there is horrible medical and psychological neglect in most the point that many who were whole physically and possibly not too damaged psychologically upon being incarcerated....return from their incarceration horribly maimed physically and damaged beyond belief psychologically.

    Frannie B

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I heard on the radio today that the largest study ever on recidivsm (being re-sent to prison after release) shows that sexual offenders (rapists and pedophiles) are less likely to return to prison after release than the general prison population.

    Unfortunately, both numbers were over 50%. I would love to find the study in print and so far have failed to do so. Anyone heard of this?

  • SheilaM

    I think they should be put down and a grown man "seduced by a minor" give me a break. As an adult it is your responsibility to know who your sleeping with and I believe age should be one of the things you would check out.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Yes it should follow them like a bad stink. They seldom change cause they are perverted assholes that should be publicly horse wipped. From a father who put one in prision. Shane,

  • ApagaLaLuz

    No........ I'm a firm believer in CASTRATION

  • avishai
    There are others, though, who may have committed a sexual offense one time, and one time only. They are not mentally ill, but made one horrible, tragic mistake in their lives. I happen to personally know four such people. (Not to frighten you, Stacy, but one of them lives in your town.)

    Yes, I also know one like this. One time is still one time. It's every bit as bad as murder, drunk, high, or whatever stupid excuse they want to use. There is nothing to say they won't "relapse" & get too "f-ed up again". Sorry, in my opinion, one chance is all you should get. I don't give a flyinf F-word how inoxicated you were to rape someone, It's not OK.

    I will say, however, that the new definitions of what is called "rape" by the PC crowd, Antioch rules etc. are way over the top.

    For instance, the feminist writers Andrea Dworkin & Catherine Mackinnon say that all heterosexual sex is rape, or at the very least all men are potential rapists.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    ....a grown man "seduced by a minor" give me a break. As an adult it is your responsibility to know who your sleeping with and I believe age should be one of the things you would check out.

    Sheila, I need to clarify my statement a little further, it seems. I am not talking about prepubescent children here. Anyone who deliberately engages in sexual relations with a young child is a psychopath, plain and simple. They need to be punished accordingly.

    What I was talking about are post-pubescent teenagers. Some have developed physical attributes (breasts for females, facial hair for males) earlier than others, giving themselves the appearance that they are older than their actual age. Unfortunately, some of these teens misrepresent themselves as being older than they actually are in order to engage in sex relations with someone who probably would say "no" if they knew they were a minor. In most major cities, teenaged girls (often runaways from bad family situations) dress themselves as adults and enter the world of prostitution in order to live. Teenaged boys in similar circumstances often turn to hustling. Others still at home, not engaged in prostitution, often obtain fake identification (not that hard to get, by the way) and deliberately lie about their age. Those fake IDs are not used just for purchasing alcohol.

    While men who engage in relations with these pseudo-adult post-pubescent minors should receive a certain degree of punishment, the youth should not always be percieved as an "innocent victim", either. In many cases, they are not. Want proof? Go to virtually any chat room or message board for teens on the internet and see how many of them are not talking vividly and flirtatiously about sex. You hear about these chat rooms frequently in the news. If these teens can do it with their peers, they can surely manipulate and misrepresent themselves as adults. I know of no one who asks for identification before engaging in sexual relations. The part these youths play in the seduction of adults should be thoroughly investigated. IMHO, the parents of the youthful seductors and seductresses should also be held accountable in some cases.

    Without looking at the individual circumstances behind each crime, giving due punishment only to the adult while granting automatic immunity to the youth will only serve to perpetuate a "green light" to the youths that it is OK for them to continue misrepresenting themselves, seducing adults, and having the option to turn on the adult and turn them in if their demands are not satisfied. Sexual blackmail, IMHO, is as heinous a crime as rape or pedophilia, and should be treated as such.

  • avishai

    Well, yeah, SFJim, Those situations ARE different. But the article is talking about predators. I don't even equate tahose situations in the same category at all.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Sorry, in my opinion, one chance is all you should get. I don't give a flyinf F-word how inoxicated you were to rape someone, It's not OK.

    Avishai, I sincerely hope that you did not think I was saying rape or pedophilia is OK. It most certainly is not. Anyone who engages in these activities, even while drunk or on drugs, should still have to pay for their actions in jail. No question about it.

    What I am trying to say, though, is that it would seem most people don't make the distinction between one-time offenders and repeat violent predators. It is those who stalk our young like wolves who are the most dangerous, because they will do it again. There currently is no cure or acceptable treatment for this psychosis. If one is developed, all pedophiles and rapists should be required by law to take it. I would not consider that "cruel and unusual punishment" if it protects society at large from these predators.

    Yet, of the four men I know who are registered sex offenders, I would gladly lay my life down for any of them. I would be the first to say that what they did was wrong, but I would also argue loudly that these men have paid the price for their mistakes, have never repeated them, and should not be categorically labelled as psychopaths.

    Edited to add:

    Well, yeah, SFJim, Those situations ARE different. But the article is talking about predators. I don't even equate tahose situations in the same category at all.

    I guess I was still typing while you replied. You may be right -- I might have gone off on a tangent here. Predators are indeed sick psychopaths, and should be treated as such. I suppose I went off on the tangent because I have seen the 4 men I speak of go through terrible fear of further repercussion, afraid that their past will come back to haunt them in the form of violence, vandalism, and possibly murder.

    The point I'm trying to make is that we need to concentrate our resources on getting the predators off the streets and into facilities.

  • berten

    This is where I mostly agree with right-wingers;sexual offenders should be given just two choices:Being locked

    up in prisons specially made for them,in a desert somewhere far from the civilized world.Or commit suicide

    using a method of their choice...

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