Should Sexual Offenders Be Detained Even After They've Done Their Time?

by Country Girl 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Frannie... exactly. I just read this the other day, in a Slate article:

    A recent study by Human Rights Watch concluded that as many as one in five of the 2.1 million Americans in jail and prison are seriously mentally ill. That's roughly five times the number of people in mental hospitals.

    1 in 5... that's 400,000 people. And the vast majority of those 400,000 people are going to be considerably worse in emotional health after getting out of prison, that's for sure. Which means that they will be more of a threat to society. This is not only a monstrous from a humanitarian perspective, it is essentially shooting ourselves in the foot. But it's just one symptom of the sadly inadequate approach to mental health in our society.

    SFJim... thanks a lot for bringing this into perspective. Not all sexual offenders are equal, not by a long shot.

    The constitution guarantees due process of law to everybody. Even murderers, terrorists, cannibalistic serial killers. There's certainly no excuse for denying it to sex offenders.

    I think that SFJim's idea of indefinite probation (in cases where recidivism seems likely) is a good idea. But this should be part of the sentence, issued in open court, with all proper rights of counsel, appeal, and public scrutiny. Creating a kangaroo court to keep individuals indefinitely locked up after they have served their sentence is against all the basic rights that this country was founded on.

  • czarofmischief
    No........ I'm a firm believer in CASTRATION

    I don't think that would work. This particular psychosis is power-based, and if they couldn't get it up they'd still find another way to do what they do.

    Sex with a post-pubescent minor is different from the raping or molestation of a pre-pubescent child as SFJim pointed out. it's still a crime, but different. It is sexually based.

    While the post-pubescent might not be emotionally ready for sex, they are physically capable of the act and are mentally capable of seeking it out. Ergo, the flood of 16-17 year old prostitutes that appear in many pornographic films, using fake ID's to get jobs in a lucrative industry that requires only a youthful appearance and a lack of squeamishness. This fact, that this crime goes on and on, is one of the most powerful arguments against the legalization of prostitution.

    Whereas the molestation of children, who are not sexually developed, is based on some kind of need that is deeply rooted and simply not able to be cured or modified at this point in our history. I'd say either some kind of desert island, or, more probably, just kill them. it's easier and cheaper. However, then political prisoners could be accused of this and killed with complete social approval.

    Boy, I can't wait for God's Kingdom to fix all of this! Oh, wait...


  • SanFranciscoJim
    Whereas the molestation of children, who are not sexually developed, is based on some kind of need that is deeply rooted and simply not able to be cured or modified at this point in our history.

    If I'm not mistaken, I remember hearing some years ago that a research study was held in prisons in the U.K. where convicted predatory sex offenders were given some sort of drug to diminish their sex drives. If memory serves correctly, the experiment was a resounding failure. Czar is absolutely correct -- the stalking and molestation of prepubescents is all about power, not sex.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Hey CZAR..... whatever it is that causes the different forms, I'm still a firm believer in Castration :)

  • Gerard

    Megan Kanka, 7, was killed in July 1994 in Hamilton Township, New Jersey. Jesse Timmerndequas, a twice-convicted sex offender, was sentenced to death for Megan's murder and rape.

    If he was sentenced to death on the first incident, he would not have raped twice more and killed Megan.

  • Euphemism

    If all criminals were sentenced to death on their first offense, there'd be no recidivist crime whatsoever.

    That's not an argument, Gerard.

  • Gerard

    That's because sex-offenders are closer to beasts than people.

    I doubt if your mother/wife/daughter/sister is violently raped, then you would not feel so merciful.

    Sorry, but you asked so I answered. I am not willing to play philosopher or lawyer on this topic, a violent rapist has to be terminated or isolated for life, regardless of his mental condition. History repeats itself.

  • Euphemism
    I am not willing to play philosopher or lawyer on this topic

    Well if you're not willing to consider this from the standpoint of either philosophy or law, what is the basis for your position? Your gut?

  • Gerard

    Common sense.

  • Euphemism

    IOW... like I said... your gut.

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