Good 'ol United States style TERRORISM

by logansrun 32 Replies latest social current

  • rem

    I've read Chomsky... and though I think he makes some very good points and serves an important role in questioning authority, I do believe he takes an unrealistic black and white view of history. From what I've read, with Chomsky it seems your damned if you do, damned if you don't. Either way he can point out the flaws and negative aspects of what was done. I happen to think history and world events are a bit more complex than the simplistic way Chomsky portrays them. In the real world many times choices are made between the lesser of two evils - there is no one 'good' option many times.

    I think Chomsky is disingenuous in some respects because he paints a good/bad picture - explaining how the US made the 'bad' decision - though I wonder what negative view Chomsky would have proclaimed if the 'good' decision had been made along with all of its latent consequences. Hindsight is 20/20, but alternate histories cannot be accurately predicted. The world could have turned out just as bad if all of Chomsky's 'good' scenarios had played out.

    Still, it's good food for thought.


  • logansrun


    Brad dear your type won't accept any form of reason.

    Ad hominem. Unneccessary and untrue.

    Pick your list of horrible things America has done. Terror camps, whatever. Can't you find a single reason why any of those things might exist?

    So, let me get this straight: you say that there is a "reason" why American "terror camps" exist and that there is a "reason" why the US engages in "horrible things"? Is that what I hear you saying Stacey Smith?

    Brad you are anti american because you won't accept anything from any other source than anti american sources.

    Total bullshit, both unfalisifiable and unproveable. You don't know everything I read or that I am in any way "anti american." (I'd like you to define that term, by the way)

    Besides, the same could be said for right-wingers like yourself. The key is to get ALL sides of the issue, apply critical thinking and decide. (Of course, the mainstream media, government agencies, corporations and the like have a VESTED INTEREST in covering over the truth. What interest, other than defending humanity, would alternative media have in saying what they do?)

    It's obvious to me and everyone else.

    Now you know 'everyone elses' minds? Wow!

    Brad dear you aren't doing any research, you just find a site that expresses the opinion you want and then you cut and paste away.

    Go three paragraphs until you get it through your head that I read from many sources.

    You believe this anti american stuff just the way a dub accepts everything from the watchtower.

    Ah, gotta throw the dubs in there somehow! Right. Sure. What I'm doing is just like when I was a cultist. Please.

    Gotta think for yourself every so often Brad dear, it's work, but try it.

    Ditto Stacey.



  • Yerusalyim


    Some of what you mentioned is true, some isn't, but how is it that this constitutes terrorism?

    The School of the Americas is the reason there are democracies in Central and South America...that the US didn't better screen those who went through the school is too it's own shame...however...I've met many of them...they aren't terrorists...most are just soldiers. The Communists in El Salvador and Nicaragua didn't like them...and certainly there have been gross civil rights violations in some of these countries...but not just by SOA graduates...but by all sides...these are CULTURAL issues that if anything SOA has helped curtail.

    The ICC, the US DEFINITELY needs to oppose that bunch. The US should actually pull out of the UN as well.

    Panama? Yep, the US has backed some pretty bad fellows there and elsewhere in the region...and that's because we seemed to prefer status quo to sensible government.

    More later, barbeque grill is ready.

  • logansrun

    I agree with you rem. I haven't read all that much of Chomsky but do feel he goes a little over the top sometimes.

    But....BUT....I think the man is more right than he is wrong. And a VERY important voice in the world. Wonder why the media in the US ignores him so much?


  • logansrun

    Somehow, I figured a man with this avatar:

    Ah, well.


  • logansrun

    >>Home>> State Terrorism


    Under Uncle Sam's Thumb - The History Of Washington's Occupations - by Ashley Smith - Socialist Worker - April 26, 2003 - The U.S. government established itself as an imperial p ower at the turn of the 20th century with the Spanish-American War--when it grabbed colonies in the Caribbean and Pacific. The U.S. "liberated" the Philippines from Spain by killing close to 1 million Filipinos in order to seize the country as a beachhead for U.S. ambitions in Asia.

    The West has been Liberating the Middle East for Centuries - Will we never learn? - by Robert Fisk; UK Independent; March 07, 2003 - ON 8 MARCH 1917, Lieutenant- general Stanley Maude issued a "Proclamation to the People of the Wilayat of Baghdad". Maude's Anglo-Indian Army of the Tigres had just invaded and occupied Iraq - after storming up the country from Basra - to "free" its people from their dictators. "Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators," the British announced.

    America's destiny is to police the world - By Max Boot - Financial Times - February 17 2003 - The intransigence of France, China and Russia last week makes it unlikely that the United Nations Security Council will pass another resolution authorising a war in Iraq. But even if it did, everyone realises this would be only a fig leaf for US-led action. If the US does not step forward, nothing will happen - not even weapons inspections. In other words, America is once again forced to play Globocop.

    From Dresden To Baghdad: 58 Years Of "shock And Awe" - Mickey Z - Zmag - February 08, 2003 - "If war is forced upon us, we will fight in a just cause and by just means sparing, in every way we can, the innocent." --George W. Bush, in his State of the Union Address, January 28, 2003

    "U.S. Is a Leading Terrorist State" - Noam Chomsky, video interview with Mark Thomas (transcript), Undercurrents, 30 December 2002. First of all I think we ought to be very cautious about using the phrase 'War on Terror'. There can't be a War on Terror. It's a logical impossibility. The US is one of the leading terrorist states in the world. The guys who are in charge right now were all condemned for terrorism by the World Court.

    America's shameful Mideast history - By Wadi Muhaisen, Denver Rocky Mountain News
    22 November 2002 - [The US has] a long and shameful history of meddling in the internal affairs of Middle Eastern countries and this latest chapter will only add to the resentment directed toward the US. Unfortunately, few of us are even aware of our government's history in the Middle East, but it is a history worth reviewing.

    Iraq: Foreign Policy Malpractice - San Francisco Chronicle October 20, 2002 - By Jonathan V. Marshall* Regime change?the phrase sounds so cool and antiseptic. But before Congress bought President Bush's prescription for curing the world?s ills, it should have reviewed some medical history on the disastrous side-effects of this quack remedy.

    How the CIA put the Baath in power - Out of the Ashes, The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein - Andrew and Patrick Cockburn - Verso, 2000 - The Baath first came to power in 1963, in a coup organised by the CIA They overthrew the regime run by Abd al-Karim Qassim, a nationalist army officer. The coup, and the reasons why the CIA supported it, are described by journalists Andrew and Patrick Cockburn as follows:

    Defining Terrorism

    American State Terrorism - A good update web site dealing with American state terrorism and interventions all over the world.

    Chronology of American State Terrorism - American military interventions, overthrowing of regimes, supporting massacres and dictatorships- by country.

    School of the Americas Watch - The US Army School of Americas (SOA), based in Fort Benning, Georgia, trains Latin American soldiers in combat, counter-insurgency, and counter-narcotics. Graduates of the SOA are responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America.

    The Dirty History of the CIA

    The Secret Wars of the CIA: P art I

    The Secret Wars of the CIA: Part II - The Inner workings of the National Security Counciland the CIA's Covert Actions in ANGOLA, CENTRAL AMERICA and VIETNAM - by John Stockwell - a lecture given in October, 1987


    FromWounded Knee to Afghanistan Compiled by Zoltan Grossman (revised 09/20/01) - U.S. military spending ($343 billion in the year 2000) is 69 percent greater than that of the next five highest nations combined. Russia, which has the second largest military budget, spends less than one-sixth what the United States does. Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Iran, and Syria spend $14.4 billion combined; Iran accounts for 52 percent of this total.

    Covert Action in Chile 1963-1973

    The British Rule in India: London, Friday, June 10, 1853 by Karl Marx.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yeh so Britain and America has done some lousy things - -so where would you prefer to live --which countries would you prefer to have citizenship of -- yes Democracy is a lousy system - but it is the best we have got and some times governments do awful things to protect democracy and freedom. You could also argue that great men like Churchill should never have ordered the carpet bombing of Dresden during WW2 -- but again would you rather have been a citizen of GB/USA or Nazi Germany. I hate all this Anti American/GB crap

  • logansrun


    So, is hoping and working for change a bad thing? Should we just place our heads in the sand and take a laissez-faire approach to political depravity?

    Reminds me of what many current but thinking JWs say: "What better religion is there?"

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Bradley here's a key. All you are doing is bitching. Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

    You have never offered a solution other than to say "make things better"?

    So Brad dear, how would you deal with international terrorists? Ask them to stop?

    oh wait, I forgot, we're the terrorists.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    And your solution to all the ills of mankind bringing lasting world peace would be ......

    (please, give us something more than the profound thoughts of a beauty pageant contestant) .....

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