Good 'ol United States style TERRORISM

by logansrun 32 Replies latest social current

  • czarofmischief

    Having spent most of my life reading stuff like you've posted, LR, I have come to the following conclusions:

    1) People like to bitch. Doesn't matter if they're European, Palestinian, or Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Ergo, a society should allow people to bitch, since its part of the whole pursuit of happiness thing.

    2) Noam Chomsky is an ass who has found a way to keep scoring on young hippie chicks by "fighting the man," ergo, bitching. Any points he has are destroyed by the absence of a workable solution. He is a failure and nobody should follow him, unless you are a tripped out hippie chick, in which case you can help him work through his authority issues by spanking him.

    3) Communism sucks. It doesn't work and it doesn't even let people bitch about it. Hence, any sources that support a "worker's revolution" are automatically suspect, because their agenda is skewed to the perspective that they are always right.

    4) If torturing terrorists is what it takes to prevent another 9/11, I say, fire up the electrodes and Praise the Lord, grandma, I'll be late for dinner, cause I'll do it myself. These bastards are dedicated to killing me and my father and making my mother and wife wear burkas as minor wives. Not gonna happen. Their rights were waived when they danced in the streets on September 11, 2001.


  • logansrun


    1) People like to bitch. Doesn't matter if they're European, Palestinian, or Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Ergo, a society should allow people to bitch, since its part of the whole pursuit of happiness thing.

    Yeah. The Dubs could say ex-Dubs "like to bitch" (f'course they'd say "complain"). Doesn't make the "bitching" wrong, though, does it now?

    2) Noam Chomsky is an ass who has found a way to keep scoring on young hippie chicks by "fighting the man," ergo, bitching. Any points he has are destroyed by the absence of a workable solution. He is a failure and nobody should follow him, unless you are a tripped out hippie chick, in which case you can help him work through his authority issues by spanking him.

    Insults, ad hominems and unsubstantiated claims about Chomsky being promiscuous. I'm ready to follow what you say, czar. Fool.

    3) Communism sucks. It doesn't work and it doesn't even let people bitch about it. Hence, any sources that support a "worker's revolution" are automatically suspect, because their agenda is skewed to the perspective that they are always right.

    Since neither I or Chomsky are communists I'd say this is a moot point.

    4) If torturing terrorists is what it takes to prevent another 9/11, I say, fire up the electrodes and Praise the Lord, grandma, I'll be late for dinner, cause I'll do it myself. These bastards are dedicated to killing me and my father and making my mother and wife wear burkas as minor wives. Not gonna happen. Their rights were waived when they danced in the streets on September 11, 2001.

    Well, you'd better throw Henry Kissinger in that chair then.

    I have no problem punishing real terrorists. But what is the best way to prevent terrorism? Simple. Stop engaging in it.

    Really czar -- this last post from you was one of the worst I've ever seen on this board. Poorly thought out and no logic whatsoever.


  • ScoobySnax
    ScoobySnax once asked me what my purpose was here. (putting it politely)

    I wonder what your's is these days.

    My how you've come along.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    Good information. It is much worse than most people know. However, ALL governments sponsor and conduct these acts upon various peoples to achive certain political agenda. It is a fact! Some do more than others. IT WILL GET A LOT WORSE as time goes on. And of course, there are the crazy people out there doing their best to change things. Most of the time it is a no win situation!

  • stillajwexelder

    And your solution to all the ills of mankind bringing lasting world peace would be ...... The WTBTS has it right again -- ban religion -- do away with it -- but in my case I include the WTBTS

  • stillajwexelder

    4) If torturing terrorists is what it takes to prevent another 9/11, I say, fire up the electrodes and Praise the Lord, grandma, I'll be late for dinner, cause I'll do it myself. These bastards are dedicated to killing me and my father and making my mother and wife wear burkas as minor wives. Not gonna happen. Their rights were waived when they danced in the streets on September 11, 2001.


    here here CZAROFMISCHIEF

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    I have no problem punishing real terrorists. But what is the best way to prevent terrorism? Simple. Stop engaging in it.

    That prevents terrorism? Good grief Bradley that is so simplistic and unworkable that not even you can really believe that can you?

    Again, this is why I usually stop posting in a thread after a couple of responses. They just go off into an unworkable circle.

  • logansrun


    Part of the reason much of the world -- especially the Middle East -- hates the US is because of US-sponsored state dictatorships (such as Saudi Arabia) and alliances with known terrorist nations (such as Israel).

    It makes perfect sense. Stop bullying nations, stop funding nations which cater to US corporate interests while at the same time mistreating their own people. (Who sold arms to BOTH sides of the Iran/Iraq conflict? Weren't Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden BOTH funded or consulted by the CIA?) Seems you like the standard, politicized revisionist history Stacey. Hopefully you will grow out of it.

    If someone pokes me because I poked them it makes sense that if I stop poking them they will stop poking me. That's a simple way to put it, but it essentially is true.

    Warm Liberal Hugs,


  • logansrun

    Here's another good website that looks at the side of US government some would like to avoid:

    Have fun.


  • expatbrit
    If someone pokes me because I poked them it makes sense that if I stop poking them they will stop poking me.

    Well actually Bradley, if you're involved in a pokefest and you stop poking, it's far more likely that the other party will club you around the head and steal your wallet, regardless of who started the poking first.

    This is human nature. We are predatory animals, and conflict is our default state.


    p.s. I'm rather glad you're getting all this naive idealism out of your system in your 20's. There's nothing more pitiful than a 50-something socialist with a grey ponytail.

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