Having spent most of my life reading stuff like you've posted, LR, I have come to the following conclusions:
1) People like to bitch. Doesn't matter if they're European, Palestinian, or Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Ergo, a society should allow people to bitch, since its part of the whole pursuit of happiness thing.
2) Noam Chomsky is an ass who has found a way to keep scoring on young hippie chicks by "fighting the man," ergo, bitching. Any points he has are destroyed by the absence of a workable solution. He is a failure and nobody should follow him, unless you are a tripped out hippie chick, in which case you can help him work through his authority issues by spanking him.
3) Communism sucks. It doesn't work and it doesn't even let people bitch about it. Hence, any sources that support a "worker's revolution" are automatically suspect, because their agenda is skewed to the perspective that they are always right.
4) If torturing terrorists is what it takes to prevent another 9/11, I say, fire up the electrodes and Praise the Lord, grandma, I'll be late for dinner, cause I'll do it myself. These bastards are dedicated to killing me and my father and making my mother and wife wear burkas as minor wives. Not gonna happen. Their rights were waived when they danced in the streets on September 11, 2001.