July 25 WT Study ....Moving Out?

by mikeflood 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mikeflood

    Third study article....as people moved out of Jerusalem before the Romans attacked on 70 CE...perhaps there are gonna be instructions for us today about us ...leaving possessions and houses...and moving to a different place.!!

    Maybe that fits on 'receiving instructions that are not sound by a human pointof view' ???

  • nowwhat?
    Notice how they never bring up the possibility of their lakeside world headquarters being raided and the authorities kick them out on their ass!
  • raymond frantz
  • jonahstourguide

    hi all

    Just copied and pasted the relevant paragraph.

    7 Lesson for us: What lies ahead for us? The end of this present system of things in the “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:21) Like the first-century Christians, we must stay awake and be ready. (Luke 21:34-36) During the great tribulation, we may have to leave behind some or all of our belongings, trusting completely that Jehovah will never abandon his people. Even now, before that tribulation breaks out, we have an opportunity to show where we place our trust. Ask yourself, ‘Do my actions and goals reveal that I put my trust, not in riches, but in the God who promises to care for me?’ (1 Tim. 6:17) Of course, although we can draw lessons from what happened in the first century, the future “great tribulation” will be unprecedented. So how will we know exactly what to do when that tribulation begins?

    They are ramping up their fear mongering.


  • hoser

    I think it’s always been about the fear mongering.

    It’s paralyzing and you waste a lot of years of your life until you have none left

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Seems to me quite a few have started to collect belongings that they’d rather be “sold and given to the poor” - them being in charge of that redistribution off course.

  • truthlover123

    So currently being of sound mind and body,( I think I am) I do not believe there is a person on earth who thinks they will be able to stay where they are if any crisis hits, let alone the GT. I was so wanting to make the 2000 mile trip to Walkill,( and all the other grand communities) knowing that the GB was building great escape hotels for all those brothers and sisters and families- to be able to have a relief center for the displaced and their go bags. I guess its like the recent ""While the Rest us Die" movie I saw recently on Tubi -where there are bunkers and government officials will dive into them when nukes start falling- to leave everyone else out in the cold. It's just too much to think of but the society drums on it endlessly, as though they will save those brothers and sisters in faraway places They do mention riches-( trust not in riches) guess why? More donations for the WWW due to the oncoming battle.

  • Listener

    It’s another article about obeying those taking the lead because they are the ones that will ‘possibly’ be telling JWs what to do during the GT.


    10 It appears that Jehovah guided the Christians by means of those who were taking the lead in the congregation. Historian Eusebius later wrote: “The people of the congregation in Jerusalem, by divine providence, received a revelation given to approved men; they were commanded . . . to migrate from the city before the war and to settle in a certain city of Perea called Pella.” Pella seems to have been an ideal choice. It was not far from Jerusalem, making it relatively easy to reach. It was primarily a Gentile city and for the most part unaffected by the fanatical Jewish freedom fighters and their battles with the Romans.​—See map.
    11 The Christians who fled to the mountains applied Paul’s counsel to “be obedient to those who are taking the lead” in the congregation. (Read Hebrews 13:7, 17.) As a result, God’s people survived. History confirms that God did not abandon those “awaiting the city having real foundations”​—God’s Kingdom.​—Heb. 11:10.

    They point out that it was them that provided spiritual food at the outbreak of Covid.

    13… in the future, Jehovah will continue to help those taking the lead to determine the wise course to take. Besides trust in Jehovah and obedience to his commands,…
  • LongHairGal

    This topic was mentioned on a Reddit post.

    Somebody mentioned that the Witness religion sounds more like Jonestown every day.. Some are worried about their PIMI relatives following strange direction.

    Last summer I watched a YouTube video by Life After Religion where he mentions JWs possibly being told to ‘walk away and abandon their belongings and go into the wilderness’ or some such language 🙄.. Oh Please!.. I visualize something weird, to say the least - resembling a science fiction movie.

  • TonusOH

    Maybe someone can remind them of the time they encouraged those who were selling possessions and quitting jobs so they could warn everyone about the coming end... in 1975.

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