July 25 WT Study ....Moving Out?

by mikeflood 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Variations on the theme through the years: during the depression (persecution from KofC, Legion etc.) they would travel in caravans with cars that never ran out of gas just like the Israelites had sandals that never wore out.

    I have no riches from my job anyway and my meager retirement is not going to a new movie studio.

  • LongHairGal


    Regarding the 1975 thing, they have selective memory loss. I was not yet in the religion and might not have gotten involved if I knew about this!

    Witnesses are not encouraged to research the religion’s past, and there might be many JWs today who know absolutely nothing about what happened before 1975.. Many Witnesses today never heard about all those who quit jobs back then (notice that theme about getting people to quit their jobs - which they tried to get me to do when I came in some years later).

    Those JWs back then got into debt they never expected to pay back, sold their homes and/or gave away(?) possessions and went to where ‘the need was great’ or pioneered until the End, etc. Then when the End didn’t come by New Years Day 1976 - all these gullible Witnesses had to start all over again! Some left the religion.

    This would be so tragic if something similar were to happen again today in 2025 or so. But, nothing would surprise me when you are dealing with ignorance in this secretive group that hides its history!

  • Journeyman

    Third study article....as people moved out of Jerusalem before the Romans attacked on 70 CE...perhaps there are gonna be instructions for us today about us ...leaving possessions and houses...and moving to a different place.!!

    Maybe that fits on 'receiving instructions that are not sound by a human pointof view' ???

    That's my thought, that might be what the GB have on their mind as expecting to say to the R&F when the "time" comes.

    It's seemed to me that's the only thing that fits the narrative of "instructions not sound from a human point of view" and also the videos/pictures they've released from time-to-time of Witnesses together in basements/bunkers and groups running out into remote fields or places to escape authorities "hunting" them down. I think I commented something similar on another thread on this topic.

    I still see no reason to think they would ever go down the Jonestown/Branch Davidian/Heaven's Gate kind of routes, but even just demanding members give up their possessions and jobs and cluster together like that would be worryingly dictatorial - as Tonus hinted, it would go ever further than the 1975 debacle.

    Notice how they never bring up the possibility of their lakeside world headquarters being raided and the authorities kick them out on their ass!

    Agreed. That arrogance always bothered me, even when I was a fresh-out-of-the-pool baptised "brother"

    Even IF JWs are being "used by God", how can they explain that in times past, according to their own beliefs:

    • God allowed the temple in Jerusalem - the centre of worship to him - to be destroyed both in the Jewish era and the Christian era due to the behaviour of his supposed followers.
    • God allowed his people to wander in a wilderness for 40 years rather than find the promised land sooner due to their attitude.

    Yet according to a small group of men in New York, God will NEVER allow a few facilities in the USA to be touched by the legal authorities of the land, whatever that group of men do?

  • wallsofjericho

    More of the same. Just saying the same things in a different way. Love cracking open doors and letting the “friends” hash it out. Not unlike trump throwing Grenades into media sessions and then sitting back while the whole planet debates it and works it out. In the end he/they get their answer handed to them

  • Listener

    This is also how they are trying to remain relevant to jws these days. Telling them that they need the GB and to stay in the religion because one day, soon, they have the secret knowledge that will save their lives.

  • menrov

    trusting completely that Jehovah will never abandon his people really?? any proof for this?

    Further, which belongings? I am sure the belongings that belong to the followers, not those that belong to the leaders, at least the current leaders. Jesus is described as another type of leader. He actually was leading and took the suffering on behalf of his followers. What sufferings will the WT leaders experience? Nothing.

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