Have you ever had a point in your life, where you get too much information. Have you ever felt that you were better off not knowing certain things? Sometimes I think if a person gets too much information, it can cloud their judgement on things. Ever had that happen?
Do you think ignorance is bliss?
by obiwan 20 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I have had that happen. I am rethinking lots of things just now...
Yes, too much information is not good, but not enough is bad.
In this situation, its best to give yourself some quiet time to absorb the information. Absorb, digest & then rethink (if you have the ability/time to do that). And stop taking in more until what you have is properly taken care of. You have to give yourself the time to stop taking in knowledge, and let your own brain desminate.
As far as "ignorance" - i guess it depends on the situation. Ignorant of what? I would never want to make any "life" decisions, or decisions of real importance without knowing as much as I can - good & bad. That's paramount in making the right choices we are all faced with in life.
Take my son's situation. As soon as he was diagnosed, I took crash courses in everything I could find regarding his condition, all the way from medical to legal stuff. It was overwhelming and at times I wanted to be one of those parents that lived in blissful ignorance, just doing what they were told & never really taking control over their own situation. But, I wouldn't change it for the world, because I have control, I have confidence & I can make choices based on what I do know, good & bad.
Love ya!
Guest 77
Never enough. I want to know the other ways to skin a cat.
Guest 77
Ignorance is bliss if one is ignorant, but throughout my 57 years I found out as you get oldewr ignorance is very expensive. Dan. "Hell is the truth found out too late."
Ignorance is bliss only while you are in it... but once you have more information.. full facts.. then everything changes..
Its like being a JW. If you just believe and do as you are told, your ignorance actually can give you a sense of happiness, but once your eyes have been opened, everything changes.
Not bliss...more like oblivion.
Phantom Stranger
I think denial is bliss. Ignorance is just ignorance. No,I've never felt that I was better off not having known anything - although there are many things that I've wished weren't true. The universe seems still not to care what I think in that regard...
Do you think ignorance is bliss?
No. Ignorance is what it is - ignorant. Nothing blissful about being ignorant, man. Whoever invented that saying is an idiot.
yes I do believe that too much info can cloud your judgment.....but it can also open up for the sun to shine....if it is to much for you to absorb right now, sit back on the beach, put some sun glasses on and re think the situation...so you dont get burnt, put on some suntan lotion