let me guess, some poster we've all assumed is a woman, is really a man?
Do you think ignorance is bliss?
by obiwan 20 Replies latest jw friends
let me guess, some poster we've all assumed is a woman, is really a man?
You got some real pretty lips there boy!
Thank you twinkletoes .
I think bliss is recognizing with open eyes those things which you can not know and actually accepting your ignorance with an open mind.
The more I learn, the more I realize how much there is that I don't know.
Depressing, really, this finite, limited existence.
Country Girl
I believe, according the the poster who posts as BLISSISIGNORANCE that it might just be fine.
Hey - what's going on here, I thought I was twinkletoes ??
Have you ever had a point in your life, where you get too much information.
Yes, as a matter of fact my son gets me to that point quite often talking about his sex life. You know I really aspired when he was younger, to let him know he could always talk to me about anything. Who would have thunk he would take me that literally??? I don't need to know the details on this subject!!!
And, while I'm at it, my oldest brother and my mom, when you ask them how they are.... they will tell you whether they have been able to poop or not, which part of their body is aching, and ALL sorts of things equally gross and distressing. Did "how are you doing" stop being a rhetorical question and nobody told me??? (just KIDDING)
Oh yes, the guy in the next cube over who hasn't been able to get his member functioning and now has viagra, the same guy now is sick and telling the doctor what is wrong with him. The ladies at work going on and on about what is wrong with their husbands, shit the list of too much information is endless. ITS TOO MUCH!!!!
As for knowledge, I agree, you really can't get enough of it.
Yes! I was completely happy as a JW. I thought I had everything figured out and was going to live forever. I had no guilt (I was a good JW) and everything always worked out fine. Would I trade that for the knowledge I have now? HELLLSSS NO! I have many more questions now and many more concerns, but have really begun to appreciate life much more.
amac, your words echo my thoughts exactly!