These questions show just how much work you have to do to deprogram yourself. Much love.
If JW is not the truth, then what is the true religion?
by TxNVSue2023 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning? -- The Watchtower January 15,1974
The above article is really a slap in my face. Considering, I married a JW man who became my secret friend when I was 12-13! I married him in late 1974 Parental consent! They would rather me marry a JW than have sex out side of marriage.
No elder told me the truth! No sister thought he was too old,And when he was teasing me during prayers by wiggling his tongue did anyone else see him! I laughed but that was how he got to me and I started to trust him. He broke me down. He molested someone when we were married! He forged my name. I was used! No one warned me in 1974! Yes please warn others!
You do realize that questioned is a Watchtower cult mind control training question! Then they will explain all the worldly religions flaws so you will not focus on pointing out WBTS flaws.
Just prove it by asking JW a question regarding WTBTS doctrines! They will always state this question. When JWs can not prove something that your questioning they try to get you to think of untruths from different sects! You will state "What does other religion have to do with your questions regarding JW doctrine doubt." You know why? WTBTS knows their is no such thing as a true religion! But JWs don't understand their is no such thing as true religion. They can only prove false relgion. They coined, The Truth will set you free!
The entire reason why you should get baptized as a JW is if you believe the world religions is Satan's organization, and the JW is Jehovah's organization. That was in Rutherfords books. Then you enter into the spiritual earthly New Jerusalem. Basically the Kingdom Hall! That is why it is called the Kingdom Hall! It is all made up! LOL! hope that helps.
Syme, Thus, you must find which Church has a continuous existence from 33 AD to 2023 AD, and at the same time continues the apostolic succession, uninterrupted.
Uninterrpted that is a good one! Not going to find it!
- It's not rocket science. If there is one true religion, it can't possibly be the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. Every one of the religion's unique beliefs are nowhere found in the Bible; they have a 100% failure rate in interpreting biblical prophecy; they have failed again and again to protect children from sexual abuse; their unloving shunning policies have contributed to the suicide of former members; their medical quackery has resulted in loss of health and even death of It's members.
Besides all this, they are preaching a false gospel and a false Jesus all around the world and trying to take credit for it.
There may not be a true religion. Even if you think JWs are the closest to being "The Truth" of all religions, that doesn't mean that it's the true religion or that there even is a true religion.
But to get down to the heart of the matter- the Watchtower has never in its entire history come up with a single, original, doctrine or teaching that has later been verified as true by any form of external evidence. Over 150 years, every single JW prediction has failed to occur. Every pseudoscientific claim they have made has proven to be untrue. Every historically revisionist claim they have made has proven to be untrue. 95% of JW doctrines have been tossed aside by the religion itself as being untrue. The current crop of teachings are either unoriginal (ie, borrowed from other religions that supposedly don't have God's holy spirit, or copied and pasted from the very secular bible scholars that JWs otherwise dismiss as being blinded by Satan) or require an a priori, completely unearned, trust that the governing body has been appointed by God to reveal truth.
This is a religion that claims that faith is based on evidence but insists that every time the evidence conflicts with the faith, it is the faith that you must adhere to and not the evidence. This is a religion that, despite historically being wrong about everything, does not accept that there is any legitimate reason not to believe in it, and will use its billion dollar multinational media production operation to publicly slander you as a dangerous, deluded, hateful liar.