All the best for your operation. I'm sure it will go fine and you will be dancing a jig next new year x
Hip replacement on Monday. Wish me luck.
by GrreatTeacher 43 Replies latest watchtower medical
"About your husband, how will he cope? Are you preparing and freezing meals"
LOL. are you a time traveler posting from 1950? What makes you think her husband can't cook? -
GT. We hope you have a painless experience and a speedy recovery!! BA & 3rd Gen. :)
JW GoneBad
Hi Grreat Teacher...just imagine where you'd be if the individuals caring for you hadn't gone on to higher education. Isn't modern medicine & technology awesome?
Your having a total hip replacement is like replacing a transmission & differential in a vehicle...the difference is the former is soo much more complex & requires more skill, intelligence & sounds like you're in the best of hands!
Wishing you a speedy recovery & smoother movement!
All the best. A hip should be less complicated than a knee surgery.
Beth Sarim
Great Teacher,,best of luck to you.
And a speedy recovery.
You will be feeling better in no time!!!
Good luck.
Listener, thank you so much for thinking of the practicalities. My husband is the cook of the family, but I'm laundry, cleaning and paying the bills. We're caught up on laundry, it's clean enough for me to move around the house safely, and the bills are paid for the next few weeks.
We have wonderful neighbors who have volunteered to send us meals for a few days, and other neighbors have said to call on them if we have any needs at all. My mom and dad are coming later in the week any my husband is taking 3 days off work, but he works from home so even when he goes back, he will still be handy.
I also gave a son who is a senior at university who still lives at home, so he can be a Gofer too. It is his Final Exam week, though, so I don't expect to see him much. I am sorry it had to happen that specific week for him because he has been concerned about me, but I've had to wait 3 months so I'll take the surgery when I can get it.
I hope I haven't forgotten anything!
Grreat Teacher, I think you'll do fine with the surgery and post-op period. Your surgeon will encourage you to get up and walk as soon as possible after the surgery, so please do so! Glad you have the walker and cane at your disposal... just make sure you label them with your name and phone number in case they get misplaced (it happens!)
If you can have some meals prepared ahead in your freezer and arrange to have someone help you clean your living space just before and a couple of weeks after the surgery, that will keep your workload to a minimum.
Finally, when you register at the hospital - particularly if you have been a patient of that hospital system while you were a JW, please, please, please have any mention of your being a JW REMOVED from your chart. That is how the HLC tracks down people in the hospital. They are granted privileges as "pastoral care" visitors and can request a list of people of their denomination admitted to the hospital when they arrive to make their Pastoral Care Visits™.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery!
Beth Sarim
With professional help, therapy and treatment you could be up and around in no time.
We wish the best for you that its as painless and as quick as possible.
Well, it I Wednesday and I get released from the hospital today!
Usually you're only kept one night, but I had some complications. I had intractable pain which was not even touched by Dilauded. It was horrendously painful, like nearly as bad as childbirth type of pain.
Finally, the hospital pain management doctor got involved and added Xanax to knock me out so I wasn't tensing up and increasing the pain. After 2 days I finally slept for several hours and broke the pain cycle.
I was able to do Physical Therapy this morning and so I'll be going home later this afternoon. Yay! I had a little trouble with low blood pressure and kept feeling dizzy and nauseated yesterday. They said I was slightly anemic which isn't unusual for total hip replacement. I responded to a lot of IV fluids so no blood transfusion was necessary.
Also, I found out that my insurance will cover a home health aid who can do occupational and physical therapy in my own home! Eventually I'll transfer to outpatient physical therapy.
Thank you so much everyone for your support. It really means a lot to me! When I was doing my slow and deep breathing to try to get on top of the pain, it helped me to think of all the love and support you all sent me on this thread. Thanks so much. 🤗