Hip replacement on Monday. Wish me luck.

by GrreatTeacher 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Biahi

    Glad you are doing well. 🙏🏻😊

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Best wishes Great Teacher.

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Great news Great Teacher!

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  • Vanderhoven7

    Great news! Trusting all complications are now over.

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  • JeffT

    I'm glad it went well.

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  • titch

    GrreatTeacher: Good to read that the procedure went well. I hope that you'll gradually improve. Best Regards to you and yours.....Titch.

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  • DisgruntledFool

    Best of luck. A friend of mine had a hip replacement over 15 years ago and she is still going strong at 74 years of age.

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  • Listener

    I hope you are continuing to do well and the pain is easing each day.


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  • GrreatTeacher

    Well, just checking in again. I've had a lot of trouble getting my bowels back online. At first nothing was getting through, but once they finally got the message that things were open for business, they've been moving things through a little too fast! I've had to make many athletic runs to the toilet and so have been giving myself lots of physical therapy as a result! My nurse came today and said I looked like I was moving better, my gait looked better, and the muscle strength in my leg and even abdominals had improved. Even when you're wrapped up in bed, when you know you have about 20 seconds till go time, you will work whatever muscles you can to get there on time! The only other case I've experienced was when my husband screamed that the baby had turned blue when he was 3 days old. I had torn muscles where I could barely walk and couldn't get out of bed without significant help, but I managed to jump out of bed and run to the cradle, grab the baby and beat on his back until he started breathing again! I have no idea how I did that because I really couldn't walk at the time. The kid was okay. He's now 22.

    Also had a fever over the weekend which finally broke so I'm feeling better today. Nothing healthwise is ever easy for me. I guess I can't complain because it's only been a week, though. I went off the dilaudid Thursday and am now using Celebrex. So, that's positive. The implant itself is not extraordinarily painful and I am getting up and around with a Walker. I can get myself in and out of bed on my own, but I'm still getting my husband to stack pillows up for my leg.

    Another thing that I want to share was very hurtful and highlights the lack of natural affection that the JWs suffer from. A week before surgery, I came here for moral support and got it in spades. Thank every single one of you! I had a friend help me deep clean my bedroom before surgery. I've had friends and neighbors provide dinners, homemade cookies and personal visits to check on me. They have volunteered help for any need I may have and said to call on them. My JW mother sent flowers, which was nice, and agreed she'd come a little later after surgery when I was feeling better which was fine by me. She then called to set up the time and date, I told her I was feverish and not up to visitors because she wants conversation and to be entertained rather than to just be helpful. She suggested Saturday or Sunday then told me, " No, Sunday's the meeting and I won't miss it for that." Can you believe that? I'm sure you can, but it's shocking all the same. She is not helpful when she comes to "help." She went to my sister's to help after she had a baby. My sister asked if she would make her a sandwich and she melted down, saying she felt like she was being "used." I was there and it made me see red. I yelled at her for being so selfish and only thinking of herself when it wasn't actually about her at all. It was about my sister and her new baby. I told her to leave if she didn't want to help. She did, crying all the way, complaining to my father on the phone. I called him too and told him what happened and told him in no uncertain terms that she was not to come back until my sister invited her. Can you see why I'm not excited for her visit? But, it appears that the meeting is more important so, she can just wait.

    Anyhow, thank you all again! I'm rambling and I haven't proofread. I probably need a little nap in this recliner with my feet up.

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  • ThomasMore

    Glad you are doing better. The report on your bowels is important but a little too much information… for me anyway.

    The Witnesses are pretty good about visiting, especially if they can count time or get out of D2D work. Tell them you need help with the bed pan and they will leave you alone.

    Take care my friend! Your experience gives us all hope!

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