FA writes:
the mt 27 thing where it says the bodies came out of the graves and were seen was a flesh and blood resurrection like the ones elijah and elisha did - they weren't "spirits" who appeared like ghosts or something--Italics added.
That is incorrect.
The text does not use the word "resurrection."
Matthew 27:52 reads:
καὶ πολλὰ σώματα τῶν κεκοιμημένων ἁγίων ἠγέρθησαν
And many bodies of the sleeping saints rose
The word "resurrection" does not occur.
About these "saints" verse 53 says they "appeared to many" but does not say they were 'seen as flesh and blood' as you claim.
Various account in the Fathers, on the basis of these verses, I repeat, the Church Fathers themselves who you owe the very preservation and canonization of the New Testament to, claim that these 'appearences' were likely "apparitions" if they did occur at all.
Nowhere in the Biblical text, and nowhere in the Fathers do we read of a resurrection of these "saints" being "flesh and blood" and that these were seen as you state.