a JW to new friends? co-workers? What's their reactions?
Do you ever discuss having been....
by SpunkyChick 23 Replies latest jw friends
Not sure what I'll do in the future. I haven't "not" been one for that long so most of my friends even though they aren't JWs, already know I used to be and are so glad I am out.
I thought about not telling my bf at first when we started dating but since we got kind of serious fast, he had to know what stuff I had in my life. Boy I was afraid to tell him about the drama of family not talking to me.. uncomfortable work situation because of a JW and of course friends who USED to be friends.. who suddenly are not. He needed to know at least that there is a reason that I have less friends at the moment.. as I am rebuilding after my loss..
I am not planning that we tell his mother though.. she need never know..
As for new friends, I can't see why I would need to tell them. If it came up somehow in converstation and was natural I might but I won't feel the need to confess how stupid Iwas for so many years. If it doesn't come up, I doubt I'll bring it up.
franklin J
If the topic of conversation arises, yes. I am as honest and factual as I can be. And I make a point of saying that although I was raised a JW, I am not practicing it anymore. Most people are mildly interested, as long as they know you are not going to preach to them.
Considering the very different upbringing I had as a JW, my wife ( who is Catholic) says she married me "as is".
Does "as is" mean we are damaged good? I guess maybe we are..
Country Girl
I am very open about it. When conversations and friendships grow closer, and questions come up, I merely state "I was raised in a cult, and it had serious effects on my life." If they pursue the conversation more from there, and are interested, they get the whole schpiel. I don't hold back anything: I have nothing to be ashamed of. I didn't choose it, it was forced on me by my parent, and whatever damage occurred wasn't my fault. I got out shortly after I became of legal age, and then tried to rebuild and take my own life into my own hands. Some are interested, some aren't. I just play it by ear.
Oh sure. Most think the JWs are crazy and cant beleive I ever was one. And alot still ask me abou their beliefs. Many congratulate me for having the guts to get out of a cult. It's not the FIRST thing I tell people, but it does come up
Talking about religion is not encouraged at work. So I don't know if the person next to me is Catholic or Wiccan. So why should I pipe up and volunteer the info. I work with 2 JWs so I walk a fine line. But they will be gone over the holidays, so I'm pigging out on all the goodies I can, after all the testimony of a non-JW doesn't count, they are such liars you know.
Leftover Xmas treats don't count anyway.
Don't ask, don't tell is my motto.
When I first cam on this site I was talking about my JW past with anybody who would listen. I was more a freak than when I was a JW. LOL
Now I mention it or discuss it if it comes up inconversation, the subject of Religion that is. Most people react in a calm manner. It isn't a big deal.
But this one time.... I was on a date with a guy and the subject of religion came up. He asked me what religion I am. So I responded with my I am agnostic now but used to be a JW speech.
LOL........ I guess I scared the guy off. He responded to me with maybe you shouldn't date or get into a serious relationship with anyone until you figure it all out. LOL What an jerk. I didn't even bother trying to find out what it was I said that made this guy think I was confused or crazy.
I just let him end the evening like that and wished him well. This guy was way too serious for me. Throught the entire date I felt like I was on a job interview.
Same here...I went out with one fantastic woman this summer a couple of times and we really hit it off...She asked about religion (Methodist, she) and I said I was a JW, but am probably going to leave.
Next offer for a date...nope. "Our backgrounds are too different," she said. She didn't seem to be racist (It would have come up before then), so that's all i could think of. I was hoping she would get the message that being around her would help me get out...I guess not.
I suppose I can only be saved by real apostate love.
Discuss it if religion or the topic comes up with friends/coworkers..otherwise I don't bring it up.
Had a hard time explaining why half my "family" would not attend my wedding and why my father would not walk me down the isle to the in-laws before our wedding... they simple don't understand how a religion can cause such divisions in a family.