Do you ever discuss having been....

by SpunkyChick 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sandy

    Badger.... I can offer some "real apostate love" LOL

  • unbeliever

    If the subject comes up I will be open about my past. I don't go out of my way to discuss it. The usual reaction is curiousity and mostly ask about the holidays.

  • DanTheMan

    I don't make it a point to bring it up. Many of my coworkers know that I left the JW's. But the bad thing about that is, I started my current job when I was still a JW, and I really fell apart when I was fading and leaving for good. It was such an abrupt change and rude awakening, it sent me on a downward spiral. I am not held in the most high regard where I work because of some stupid things I've said to a couple of female coworkers. Some of them may think I was better off in the cult. And of course there's a number of religious fundies where I work, and they're no different from dubs in a lot of ways.

    People who have never been part of a high-control group have nothing in their background to help them relate to your experience emotionally. So I think a lot of times they just don't get it, or they think you're exaggerating. Or they may know or have known some JW's that seemed like nice normal people (which on the surface most are) and so they think it's just another religion.

  • roybatty
    a JW to new friends? co-workers? What's their reactions?


  • caligirl

    Yes, I am open about it - and very clear that I am no longer a witness. Most find it fascinating in a morbid sort of way. Most are sympathetic. Anyone that knows anything about it tells me that they cannot picture me ever doing any of it. I use my past personal experience to tell everyone why they should stay away from it.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes - most are suprised and think I am one of the least likely people to have ever been one

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    NEVER !!!!!

    that's why i moved 2000 miles away !

    to start over, and it was worth it !

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I freely talk about my JW experience, because most people I encounter think that JWs are just "nice people (or annoying people) who come to my door with magazines". I set them straight about who the JWs are and what they are really all about. I can't tell you how many people I've discussed this with now welcome the JWs into their homes, only to barrage them with questions they are unable (or unwilling) to answer. I consider it "field service reconnaissance".

    A friend of mine recently told me that his brother has been studying regularly with the JWs. I had a copy of Crisis of Conscience mailed to him anonymously. I just found out yesterday he is reading it very intently, and "keeping an open mind". This man (who lives in a very rural area and does not have internet) would likely never had the opportunity to hear the "other side of the coin" about the JWs had it not been for the fact that I casually mentioned it to his brother one day.

  • aarque

    I told a co-worker who is a strong Baptist, that I was raised a JW. She looked at me, astonished, and said "You're forgiven."

  • lovinlife

    Sometimes...but mostly not. My story is so cultishly scary that I usuallly have to be good friends first before I talk about it. But it does seem that people do look at you differently once you tell them. My fiance gets totally angry about it...

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