You never know, if he wrote a book he might not be a Franz. He might end up being a Furuli.
Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND
by Terry 167 Replies latest jw friends
TOMO3 Furuli author of my beloved religious beliefs 🤣😂
Seriously we should all write to him with a little gift and we should all tell him that if he wrote a book he would be a millionaire within a year.
If he wanted to do interviews he could earn a nice little income and live a comfortable life equal to the one he lived as a GB member.
now we have his address we really should bombard him with letters and little gifts just like the JWs we’re told to do in the past many times.
JW GoneBad
now we have his address we really should bombard him with letters and little gifts just like the JWs we’re told to do in the past many times.
Why not also email Tony...everyone nowadays has an email address. I'll betcha Phil the Youtuber from The Blue Envelope can locate his email address for us...after all it was Phil who nailed where he now lives...BTW...way to go Phil...we owe you pal!👍
Email will not have the same effect
real letters if they are well done will have a great effect
my guess is he is still a believer only just but lots of questions now and he feels many things are not quite right. He is bound to be bitter.
this is the time for him to receive lots encouragement and for him to feel he is not alone, there is a huge community of people who understands what he is going through and we are there for him
I would support a crowd fund to help him get his thoughts out there
Wt fully realise, how delicate the situation is. Clearly they had to cut him loose as his drinking just spiralled out of control. He was becoming too much of a liability to them. In reality this situation was years in the making, and a result of a very permissive attitude toward alcohol at Bethel. Now it’s time to pick up the tab for it - no pun intended.
That been said, if they upset him, and the situation is fragile at the moment, he could do them some incredible damage. The deal Wt has offered him would pale into insignificance from the the money he could make from a book deal, and a tell all interview. So Wt if you end up reading this you certainly need to consider your steps closely. You also need to put him in a more secure environment, where it’s a lot harder to access him. As the saying goes out of sight out of mind.
I love the way you say watchtower if you are reading this🤣
do you think there are brothers on the service desk who really are assigned to keep an eye on apostate stuff?
if that’s the case then surely they are not fully PIMI anymore?
I doubt anyone is assigned to view apostate things, but sure enough many of the top dogs do in secret.
how long has it been since the announcement about TOMO3? All these months I wonder if he has purposely not looked at anything at all about himself?
It was discussed years ago that Tony came from money. Apparently that's not the case if the org had to provide a home for him. When Tony got caught spending almost a grand on booze, where did he get the money from? The answer is clear. Not only is he a drunk it's a good bet he was embezzling kingdom funds to support his drinking habit!
Does anyone remember a talk he gave where he said something along the lines of his father asked him where did all his money go? His father was asking him where all his inheritance is going to and what are “they” doing with it all.
he said to his dad “I’m part of the “they”
everyone laughed
What would be a good template letter to write to him?
Could someone post the address and a rough template idea that we can all write to uncle Tony?
Then we can all spread it around social media and friend lists
Probably right, Vanderhoven. Especially if he starts to receive hate mail, or worse.
Again, the org really should have anticipated that placing him in such an open situation is a big risk, but unless they have plans in place that are more covert, it seems they've left him to fend for himself.
Then again, the GB don't believe they've done anything wrong and are mainly protected from the backlash from their policies so may have underestimated the potential danger. Seems crazy after what happened in Hamburg, but it could be complacency.
Does the GB ever admit they have done wrong? That is outside their realm of thinking. Also, given the current mentally limited nature of the GB membership, do you really think that they could connect the dots here? That is, do you really think they could see that what happened in Hamburg might happen to AM III? I don't. They are just too daft for that.
Perhaps you are attributing to them too much intelligence? They are stupider than normal people, don't you think? "Underestimated the potential danger" indeed!
BTW, Journeyman, I enjoy your posts, so please don't take this note as a personal attack.