Interesting story I have a friend who is df but his wife still faithfully goes to meetings. There's a single brother in the cong that is always flirting with his wife. Well at a recent meeting my df friend decided to show up to check this brother out. We'll the df Bro sits next to Wall at kh and his wife's sits toward Isle during meeting the single Bro asked the df guys wife if he could have some lotion. She gives it to him being nice well after meeting the df Bro walks up to him and ask him does he ask other married sis for lotion the Bro says nothing df Guy says next time bring your own lotion.
Brother Hitting on Df'd Brothers Wife at KH
by poopie 55 Replies latest jw friends
Apparently this single Bro was under the impression that because her husband is df he could do and say whatever he wanted because the df Guy is not allowed to speak to anyone at kh .. he said after he pulled his foot out Bro button the sis near by freaked out and ran away.
the single Bro asked the df guys wife if he could have some lotion.
Perhaps the idiot thought the husband couldn't do anything because he was DFed ?
The JWS concept of Dfed members is one designation wipe your feet onto these at will, its certain the opposite of respect.
Tell your friend that that this jerk needs to be watched perhaps enlightened with a punch in the mouth might educate him aslo about what respect means.
The stalking, targeting of married sisters in odd situations, is a ongoing issues in congregations. The elders, that are supposedly there to protect the flock from predatory practises, fail, occupied that they are, with wt procedures.
Eli's sons are alive and well in the congregations.
PS: in my younger years, the 1940, I had a "friend " in the "world" who specialized in preying on married woman, (truly stunned pineapples) , why?. because they offered gratification without liability.
In the case of the disfellowshipped brother, this stalking (a criminal offense bsw) could be a favoured tactic, condoned or approved by the elders, to further humiliate the disfellowshipped person, .--- Clean the "clean organisation" by dirty tactics, dishonoring the family.
Nathan Natas
The single guy probably thinks he can pretend the disfellowshipped guy is dead.
The single guy may find himself having his ass kicked by a "ghost."
Hopefully there won't be two or more witnesses to this supernatural event.
Asking for Lotion at a meeting at a Kingdom Hall. ?
Perhaps he wanting to go to the men's room and give himself a wank cause she was getting him sexually stirred up ?
Yes, lotions are applied by massaging them ino body areas. So this creep is is setting in motion a process of possible sexual adventure, frustrated as he is as a single without outlet for his hormonal need.
I have seen it before, a sick subculture among jws.
That is a Freudian gesture if there ever was one.
The single guy probably thinks he can pretend the disfellowshipped guy is dead.
The single guy may find himself having his ass kicked by a "ghost."
Hopefully there won't be two or more witnesses to this supernatural event.
I think those two witnesses would say they "didn't see nothin'".