I can see why the bible calls so much attention to love. If you applied the model of worship to how you look at a family with loving parents, you almost feel indebted to them for alot of what they would give you. So in turn you feel the need to make up for it by doing them favors. Unfortunately that isn't how many view the worship of god. They take traditions and theories and cause them to be facts and figures. For example, aliens, the bible does not give any information of E.T. life other than spirit creatures. Does that mean that there aren't other beings in our physical universe? Perhaps Edam and Ave were created on Seltara III in another solar system and they are perfect people. Would the existance of another planet of being be contrary to the bible? Yet if I say aliens to a religeous zealot, I will get pummeled with alot of disbelief. That's when programming takes over. When there is no supporting logic or information yet you continue on as if there is. Biblically we are supposed to have accurate knowledge, derive our own conclusion and associate with others not to derive the same thoughts, but to derive the same outcome. Therefore any organization that perpetuates concepts of blindly walking, just because I said so, or that's just the way it is ideas, they are against the concept of accurate knowledge.
Anyway, I feel that no religeon on the planet has any possibility of getting the concepts of an existing deity correctly. Even biblically many of god's chosen people made plenty of mistakes in their worship. Should we criticize and break down an individual or realign their path? Is it hate that heals a people or is it love and patience? Me personally I don't care enough about other people to hurt or heal ^_^ (I love when I contradict myself).
On another subject, anyone notice how offended people get when you call them a hypocrit? It's like the most offense word in the dictionary for many. I don't mind if anyone calls me one, I probably am one. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be me (or something).