Eugene, I'm back to work and at my computer! Again, just to emphasize and conclude this debate, you are constantly leaving science and entering belief and again I stress the use of the scientific method in understanding and applying the difference of the two. I attempted to make statements that are scientific whereas you kept referring to the bible and one scientific theory with your belief inserted to make the belief sound scientific. Above all you avoided answering three important points. 1. Obviously you understand the connotation of the word theory when used in science. Well, I asked you to tell me what scientific theories you don't view as scientific truth, and you never answered me. The example I used was evolution, a theory that is scientifically "true", but certainly contradicts the god of the bible and it seems that that is the god you BELIEVE in. 2. You continually made statements that sound or read like facts, but are clearly not factual, but your opinion. Here are some examples: a. Did you know that quantum theory validates the biblical view of physics? b. all respected physicists today agree...that god exists. c. the only insight i'm adding to the debate is based on an obvious interpretation of biblical revelation. d. the point is quantum theory refutes determinism and vindicates the clear revelation of scripture. All of these statements are opinion, but you state them with such authority that gullible people will believe you, that sounds like an organization I know of. 3. Finally, you quoted Stephen Hawkin out of context with his statement, "the big bang smacks of divine intervention." This reminds me of when the WTBTS quoted Noam Chomsky in the creator book. In other words you used a tiny quote from a professor to support your beliefs, but the quote is taken from a professor who, based on his writings, would disagree with you. I consider this discussion over because you're like the DUBs in that you will not leave the realm of personal opinion and belief to debate. And by the way when you insert god into quantum physics you are making what scientists call a leap of faith. Also, one final important question is this: even if all your opinions of physics are true how do you explain the personal god of the bible?