What's the purpose of being a JW now?

by MrTheocratic 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    I truly believe for most JW's who are still in and have doubts- it's the old cliché that "ignorance is bliss " - they WANT to keep their heads in the sand like ostriches ignoring the facts about the WT Society's injustices because it's a familiar feeling to them to be in an organization with everybody else feeling duped and disempowered as well.

    It's kind of like abuse victims in a bad abusive marriage who refuse to leave- yes, it's bad, it hurts - but abuse is all they've known so they grow accustomed to the abuse- it's familiar to them and they are afraid or fearful to leave because it's all they've ever known. I feel JW's are this way because their minds have been programmed to know nothing else. It's a bad situation but to them it's less fearful than " the unknown " outside the organization. I think that's it in a nutshell. If only they'd take a chance and breathe the fresh air of freedom away from the mind control cult JW's they'd be a lot happier. But once again - they don't even realize that could happen having been pre-programmed in their hardwired WT brains

  • Acts5v29

    Hello flipper,

    I truly believe for most JW's who are still in and have doubts- it's the old cliché that "ignorance is bliss " - they WANT to keep their heads in the sand like ostriches ignoring the facts about the WT Society's injustices because it's a familiar feeling to them to be in an organization with everybody else feeling duped and disempowered as well.

    Its always easier to stick with whatever seems strong against the challengers - just as when new atheist feels they have been duped by religion for years, they feel strong in their atheism. I don't think either side has to do much proving, just let the angst and the abuse of the opposing side be the glue which keeps their own membership.

    Christ said it is important to approach like a child - and children cry at sad things years before they build a resolute attitude. He really had something there.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Giordano said---- Getting out in our young twenties was the game changer for our lives.

    same for me.

  • Stirred

    With all do respect, I don't think abuse victims stay because it's all they've known or because it's familiar, or wanting to keep ignorant.

    Many get trapped for financial reasons, family, lacked access to proper info, self-doubt, feeling unworthy, lack of practical support. depression can be paralyzing. Many are worn out and frazzled trying to keep up and are holding on for hope of fulfilled promise to see dead loved ones again or to restore health to loved ones or self. Many are not Internet savy or care to use it for curther study.

    To open your eyes fully can bring more fear and sadness .....it is a kind of part peraonal death to accept TTAT. For me, it became too abusive to stay for my kids and I and it was a rather reluctant and progressive awakening. I was so busy with work, kids, family issues and massive change, I was missing or oushing off many things due to shallow study. When I had bursts of deep atudy, doibts would surface but frquently I had too much chaos and busy life with little kids to manage maintaining the study and would fall back to routine. If issues had been known earlier, I would have left way sooner.

    Getting an iPad to help lessen book load, then using whatever sites I could find to get digital KM helped me awaken and study deeper. Thanks JW Facts and other who published early on, free PDF of KM and other documents.


  • done4good

    Village Idiot has it closest to the truth, from the perspective of the organization.

    From an individual JW's perspective, it is pretty much the same as any other belief system. It is mostly about survival. Keeping one's worldview intact is a key component of that, for many.

    The two means working toward either end make for system that entraps leaders and followers alike. It is what allows all authoritarian systems to perpetuate themselves.


  • MarkofCane

    Its like gambling, many have gone all in.

    The older one's have invested all their lives, their resources, they have brought up there kids in this belief system and grandchildren, they have alienated family due to Jw mandates and dogma and have rejected association with them and in so many words have said they will 'perish in Armageddon', Said to them "you are living a lie, you are in a false religion."

    Imagine for a second the implication for them to entertain the idea, that they might be wrong?

    Everything they hold true and dear is in the "truth" if its wrong they would become very ill and depressed, I dare to say they would just want to die.

    The younger one's under 40 still have a chance and many are waking up. I know many that are on the edge. They attend and some have privileges but they really don't believe it all, they are the one questioning stuff quietly and with friends, I have been part of some, of these discussion but always hold my tongue, because if you get me started I wont know when to stop.Then you a the zealots their the torch carriers they will take this religion to the next generation, they will restructure this religion and it will become unrecognizable.


  • LongHairGal


    Most Witnesses are trapped because of family, etc. Many others are simply too old to go elsewhere and their pride would be shattered!

    For some, it is all about being in the "right" club! Doesn't matter what the JWs teach.


  • Hecce
    The way out is more difficult than staying put. I feel that many of the friends, are still here but not fully in; they are in a state of inertia. All the reasons that have been mentioned, family, finances, friends and many more are part of the equation.

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