Putting this ins the PRIVATE section.
Yesterday i get a text message from my ex-wife (we're separated actually, but getting divorced). She says "are you free to talk? I need some advice." What sort of advice? That's what im thinking. She's living with her parents, dads an elder, mums a depressed pioneer, both sisters living there too active JWs, her brother and his wife are "doing well in the truth". So im thinking why isnt she going to them for advice?
You may have guessed already
I call her. She sounds quiet and like she's nervous. I ask about our daughter, did she enjoy her day out etc. small talk out the way. Then she asks me "What's it like as a non JW?" - so i tell her how wonderful it is. How i havent been depressed since i stopped reading their literature, how i've met some wonderful people and i've got so much to live for and look forward to. No one checks up on me, no one snitches on me, no one cares if i do this or that, no one judges me, the world isnt perfect, but it's a wonderful place etc etc etc. It took me about 4 mins of telling her.
She tells me she feels trapped. She says "It's not fair, my friend Kim (a non JW she met in our daughters nursery) is so much nicer than any of the witnesses. None of the witnesses bother with me. "so-and-so" has moved into our KH and everyone wants to hang around with her because she's single and popular, it's like a popularity contest. I just wish i could do what i wanted. Like have my own friends, celebrate a birthday etc"
I told her i know exactly what she feels. I used to feel that way. And when you leave you notice how stupid and superficial it all is. Not to mention the things taught. She tells me "i still believe in Jehovah... just..." she paused but i let her finish her sentence "...just, not the religion".
Now, she has said this before in private to me when i first left. But it only took an hour with her elder dad and then she suddenly believed it again and denied she ever said it. I didn't try and convince her it's all a lie, i just let her speak. I told her understand. Although im now an atheist, reading the bible, every Christian should be partaking of the memorial emblems. For a so-called Christian religion to tell you not to is so bad.
The conversation went for about 45mins. I think she will leave eventually. I told her i know what her concerns are: shunning. She said "yeah, i know my parents will shun me and <our daughter> if i leave" so i suggested how to fade. She said "it's impossible because my dad will say/do something. I cant hide from him." So i ended it with telling her it'd be a shame to put your life on hold for 40 years until he dies just because he'll shun you. What sort of parent is that?
Lets see what happens.
See, this is the side of JW-dom that JW's deny even exists. This must be happening all over. People knowing they're trapped.