A question for those who do NOT live in the United States

by logansrun 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    I am sure that all (or most) countries have their qualities. I would hate to see unique places all have a disneyworld, mc donalds, and coke.

    One thing that bothers me is the American export of culture. Our culture is unique to us, and to see it globalized is cheap.

    I mean, why leave home to visit a carbon copy of the states? I do not blame other countries for trying to protect their own identity.

  • mineralogist

    I won't like to move to another country or even another city. Other places are good for vacation or looking at pictures or something else (like working in North Carolina for half a year) ... But i'll stay here unless there comes a real good reason to force me to move

  • little witch
    little witch

    Me too.

    I think we are most comfortable where our roots lie. There is tradition, and love of community there. I think that is important to us as individuals.

    They say home is where your heart is (that's HEART, NOT HAT, TEXANS). LOL

    Shouldnt we all love our community, and our neighbors? I feel a local pride, in where I come from.

    I also feel a pride in my ancestry. Scott-Irish.

    I feel a continuation of heritage. It is who I am, and why I feel the way I do. I dont feel above anyone, just a kinship with my past. I am a Carmichael, with a rich history, and I value that. (My hubby calls me a skirt wearing, spud fu**er) LOL.

    I tell him, "you are of unknown parentage". LOL

  • logansrun

    Well, this thread is evidence that not everyone thinks there "is no better place to live" than the US.

    As expected.....


  • Xena
    I've heard it over and over again in conversations about the US -- "What other country would you rather live in?"

    Really makes me wonder about the people you associate with.....

    Well, this thread is evidence that not everyone thinks there "is no better place to live" than the US. As expected.....

    Careful you don't hurt yourself with all that back patting Einstein

  • logansrun


    For a moment there I thought you might have had something to add to the discussion. That moment has passed.


  • Xena

    Wow Bradley if I cared what you thought that might have hurt ...but since you are just another psudo intellectual throwing around generalizations I don't and it didn't...ta

  • little witch
    little witch

    Methinks you argue with yourself, Logansrun.

    You are being circular. If you have something meaningful to say, then spit it out.....You seem to be contincious with no point....

    Further, anyone who cannot relate to your emptiness is "ignorant"....

  • logansrun

    Xena....I'm not a "pseudo-intellectual" I'm a "sado-intellectual"

    little witch....really?


  • BeelzeDub

    I would not want to live in any country that does not have the common decency to speak english.

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